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 I walk home. The conversation I had with Mr. Bad boy repeats over in my head.

"Real, you stuck up for her, Not real, she's your secret girlfriend"

Hm... Why would he start sticking up for nerdy freshmen now?

He never stuck up for them our previous years. Hell, he would either just sit there and watch the jocks torture them or help the jocks. She probably does his homework or something. Maybe it's like in the movies where the bad boy falls for the nerd girl. Stereotypical, yet everyone loves those types of stories.

This is interesting, and I happen to be very bored.

"Delillypad! I'm home!" I shriek at the top of my lungs.

"Seriously Carter you have to stop calling me that, we're not little girls anymore" Delilah huffs.

"Oh come on, Delillypad! Don't be so glum" I pout.

"My name is Delilah" She crosses her arms, rolling her eyes.

"Exactly! Delillypad!" I tease.

"Whatever, Carter" sighing, "So, you know you're in trouble, right?" Delilah's face turns into a more serious expression.

"And why would that be, big sister?" I give my puppy dog eyes.

"You're not going to get out of this one, Carter Ella Regan!" Delilah raises her voice

"Oh no! My full name! What ever will I do?" Sarcasm drips from my voice as I pretend to be scared.

"I got a call from your teacher, saying you skipped class, with some boy?"

"What? I was in class all day!" I lie.

I'm a really good liar...

"Carter, I know you're lying"

Except when it comes to my sister. She knows me too well.

"Fine, but actually, I cut class by myself and he just happened to be at that part of the school too" I explain. The look she gives is telling me she isn't exactly buying it. "It's not a big deal anyways! You leave school early everyday!" 

"That's because I have a job to help support us!"

"I know, I know, but like technically, the government helps you pay" I interrupt, "plus! Your don't even have to do half the stuff you already do! I can manage myself, I know how to cook food! And I'm trying to get a job to help you!" 

 This is the part I say to try and get out of a grounding,  "By the way, the guy who was "with" me, was your crush, although I still think it's pedophilish considering you're almost eighteen and he's sixteen." I state.

"There's nothing wrong with liking someone who's younger than you, Carter"

"Oh, so if I met a guy who was thirty-four and we liked each other it's okay?" I ask

"What? No! You're sixteen, you're still a minor! Plus a thirty-four year old is eighteen years older than you. With Ashton and I it's only three years. It's not even statutory rape." Delilah argues, "What I mean is, if the age gap isn't huge and both of you are into it"

"Well honestly I think Ashton has a secret girlfriend" I tease.

"What?" Delilah asks.

"He stood up for some nerd girl, and he never stands up for the freshmen" I shrug.

"He was probably just being nice. She is a freshman after all" Delilah sighs, clearly done with my idiocy.

"Did you not just hear me? He never stands up for freshman" I state.

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