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Carter's POV

So, I just told Ashton I wasn't interested, which was a lie... A huge lie.

I do like him, but I didn't want our relationship we have at the moment to change, I know I should've said that, but I freaked out.

I'd also feel like he'd just have sex with me then break up with me... *cough* Adam *cough*

I really do like Ashton. I'm just not sure if he'd like the change, like I wouldn't tease him as much and stuff, and our relationship was mostly built on hate, so if it were built on love, it would be a totally different territory for the both of us to cross as a couple.

 Ashton's probably upset. I could tell he lost some of his ego when I rejected him. I think it was the first time he got rejected... Oops.


At lunch, I told Heather everything that happened last night with Ashton.

She said I was an idiot and I should tell Ashton that I like him.

But I don't think he wants to talk to me, he's been avoiding me. Brian even said Ashton didn't seem like himself today.

I should at least try and talk to him.

I get up from the lunch table and walk towards his.

"Hey Ashton..."

He's stirring his food around in tiny little circles with his fork.

"Dude!" Brian lightly shoves Ashton to make him pay attention

"Hm?" he looks up "Oh... Hi" 

"Are you alright?" I ask

"Yeah, I'm okay"

I remember what he said about the whole 'okay' emotion wise thing.

"Can we talk?"

"No thanks" 

"Don't worry, He'll be the same old him in no time, I'll even look after him" Brian gives me a soft smile

"Thanks" I sigh, smiling back

When I sit back into my seat.

"How'd it go?" Heather asks

"Not very good"

"Aw that sucks" she sighs

"Did I seriously hurt him that bad?" I ask

"I mean... Now that I think about it, he's never been rejected, by anyone"  Heather says

"Well he needs to learn to suck it up" I huff, "In the future, there's going to be tons of girls who'll reject him!"

"That's true... But you like him right?" Heather ask

"Yeah... But he probably hates me"

"Or he's just heart broken because he likes you?"

"Why'd you say no anyways?" Heather asks

"I guess it's because we've hated each other for so long... I didn't want that to change"

"Change can be good sometimes" Heather reassures


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