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When I get to my locker Ashton walks up to me and– hugs me? What drug is he taking?

"Hey Carter, how are you?" He smiles

"What are you doing?" I push him off.

Then it came to me, the stuff I told him yesterday, he feels bad.

"Ashton, you know you don't have to have pity on me... A lot of people have it way worse than I do... It's not even that bad"

"What are you talking about? We're friends, I'm here for you" he smiles again

"Ashton seriously stop," I say sternly

"Oh thank god! It was killing me! I actually had to call you my friend, and hug you" he sighs in relief, "I really am sorry for what happened"

"Still don't need your pity from something that happened about a decade ago" I shrug, making my way to class.

This whole situation was really fucking weird.

I had t seen Heather at lunch today so we decided to meet up after school. Heather is telling me everything about her date with Brian, she keeps going on and on, I kind of zone out.

"Hello? Earth to Carter!" She waves her hand in front of my face

"Oh, sorry, what else about the popcorn thing?" I ask

"I talked about that five minutes ago"

"Sorry, I'm just kind of tired" I sigh, "I think I'm going to go home"

"Text me, okay? I know something is wrong but I know you too well to push it out of you like that." She gives my arm a squeeze.


I enter my room I see Ashton sitting on my bed.

"You know you should really lock your window"

"Why are you here?" I ask

"I'm bored again" he shrugs

"Well leave, I'm not your entertainment toy" I cross my arms

"Well you could be" he winks

"Ew! Get out!" I open my bedroom door

"No, I can't until after an hour."

"Who says?" I ask

"The teacher, you're my tutor" he smiles

"What? No, I'm not! The teacher didn't tell me" I argue

"Look I have this paper signed" he holds up a paper

"You could've forged her handwriting," I say unconvinced

"Why the fuck would I want to forge someone's handwriting to hang out with you?" He asks

"I'm not tutoring you. You could've texted me, or called?"

"I really need this A though"

"What do you need help on?" I sigh giving in

For an hour, I tutor him on World History.

"Wow, who knew you were such a geek?" He asks

"Shut up! I am not!" I push him off his chair

"Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine" I hear him mumble

"Well aren't you a little ray of sunshine" I mimic

"Well I should get going, I'll see you for another tutor session tomorrow" he winks

Does he have something in his eye? Why does he keep winking?

He's so annoying.

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