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 The minute I walk into school, people stare or whisper to their friends about something. Some of girls even give me death glares. 

Geez, what's their problem?

"Is it true?!" Heather asks

"What?" I ask

"Did you sleep with him?" Heather nudges me, grinning from ear to ear.

"Who?" I ask

"Ashton, duh


"What?" I shriek.

"So you didn't?" Confusion fills Heathers face

"No! Of course not! Where would you get that from?" I ask

"A girl saw Ashton leave your house last night"

I know exactly who that girl is, she's the girl who is always trying to make drama and start gossip. Casey Fucking Quincy.

"That doesn't mean we slept together!" I say frustrated.

Ashton soon walks up to me, he doesn't seem to happy either.

"What the fuck is this shit? People are saying we slept together?" He's saying it like I'm the one who told everyone.

"I didn't make that rumor! Casey Quincy must've seen you leave, she lives across from my house. That bitch, I'll kill her!!"

"Everyone practically ships you guys together anyways! You guys are both troublemakers! You guys would be a cute power couple!"  Heather chimes in

"You're not helping!" Ashton and I say simultaneously

A  small group of guys say to Ashton "Not a bad choice! She's a super fine fox!" As if I'm not even standing there! Men. Disgusting.

"I'm going to kill that bitch" I mumble to myself

"Just to let you guys know, I did not sleep with him!" I scream

I storm off to find Casey Fucking Quincy.

When I find her, I punch her in front of everyone, even the teachers, I don't care.

"How dare you start rumors about me!"  I yell

"It's not a rumor if it's true" the prissy little brat says in her fake valley girl voice.

I punch her again, making her fall on the ground.

I start to punch her over and over again, until someone pulls me away. Next thing I know, I'm in the principal's office.

The principal goes on about my behavior and how I could get suspended for starting a fight. I kind of zone out because of the cat bobble head.

That cat kind of creeps me out, but I couldn't stop staring at it.

"Are you even paying attention?" Principal Clayman snaps

"Mhm, totally..."

I was let off with a warning since he had a look at my grades and had come to a conclusion that if I'm expelled, he would lose one of his top students since I'd have to transfer to our rival school. 

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