The Scariest Part Is Letting Go

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HELLO DEARIES!! Yeah that's right I updated *coughs* finally... since it's been so long I recommend going back to the last chapter Confused just for a refresher.
This is a longer chapter but I think ya'll have more than deserved it!
PLEASE comment and enjoy :3

Helen's POV

I procured breakfast for Colin and I and headed back to his room. The doors of the elevator granted me access of the floor with Colin's room, and as I stepped off the elevator I saw a familiar blonde coming my way. She seemed to be talking to herself and her finger rested on her bottom lip.

I decided to interrupt her thoughts, "good riddance," I said annoyed. Her head popped up and her cheeks turned a faint color of pink.

"Excuse me?" Jen said as she came to a stop directly in front of me and crossed her arms.

"Glad to see you're finally accepting the fact that you can't get him back. He's mine, always has been."

Tears pricked her eyes and threatened to spill. Her mouth opened slightly as she was about to say something but I cut her off.

"I don't see what he sees- well saw in you. You're broken and incapable of love." I must have really hit a nerve with that because the tears she attempted to hold back were now streaming down her face, along with her mascara.

"Maybe I am. Maybe I am broken to the point of no return but what I felt with Colin, and what he felt for me, was something I've never had the privilege of experiencing. Love."

"How could he love you! Now get out before I get someone to escort you out," I said with gritted teeth and a harsh tone.

She seemed too hurt to return my remark so I kept walking toward Colin's room. I turned around at the doorway to see Jen slowly walking out with her head down and a shaky figure.

Jen's POV

Maybe Helen is right. What if I am too broken to be loved. Colin loved me, right? I walked outside and was welcomed by the cool droplets of water that fell from the sky. The only park I could find was at the back of the parking lot so I ventured in the pouring rain to find my car. I could barely see five feet in front of me due to the fog and heavy rainfall.

I desperately scoured the lot looking for my car and at last I found it. I started sprinting in that direction but, due to the fog and rain, I didn't notice the man seven feet in front of me.

I crashed up against his chest and almost lost my balance but he extended his arm out just in time to save my fall. He pulled me up and we locked eyes, not even realizing our nearness. We stayed like that for quite some time until he cleared his throat nervously and spoke.

"I'm sorry, ma'am I didn't see you coming. Are you alright?" He asked sincerely.

I noticed out enter-laced hand and my cheeks turned a shade of crimson as I looked back up to him and he too noticed the embrace and released my hand. "Apologies," now he was the one to blush.

I noticed I hadn't answered his former question. "Oh yes, I'm fine I didn't see you either I was just so focused on getting to my car," I said pointing to my car.

It was at this moment that I noticed the covering over our heads. An umbrella. "I have another umbrella at hand and noticing how wet and probably cold you are I don't have a problem lending it to you. That is if you want it."

"That's so thoughtful of you but wouldn't it be easier to just walk me over to my car with the umbrella you are currently using?"

"Aye, that it would be but I need an excuse to see you again" he said confidently.

I blushed at the thought of him wanting to see me again. "Ok fine" I said in a half sarcastic, half giddy voice as he handed me the umbrella.

I opened the umbrella and we just stood there not knowing what to say until he broke the silence.

"My name's Dr. Thompson, but you can call me Grant" he said as we shook hands.

"My name's Jennifer."

"What a lovely name. I'm in no rush to have my umbrella back it is of no sentimental value to me, so how about sometime in the next week?"

"That would be great. I'm actually here because my friend and I were in a car accident and he suffered brain damage so I've been checking on him frequently." There was a moment of silence, just the sound of the rain droplets hitting our umbrellas was heard.

"It's a date then?" He questioned, meekly confirming our next meeting.


"Well then until our next meeting." He said dramatically bowing and starting to walk in the direction of the hospital.

I started walking towards my car and I couldn't help the idiotic grin plastered on my face. I started my car and turned the heat on high. I got home about twenty minutes later to an excited Ava who was just dying to see me. Even on my hardest days, feeling welcomed by Ava makes me feel important in some odd way.

"You know, girl. If I ever start dating someone again I promise to settle for nothing less than you. I mean you're always happy to see me and even on my bleakest days you continue to make me feel loved. I want that in a man." Ava just wagged her tail and begged for me to pick her up.

I reheated some food from last night's meal and curled up on the couch with Ava.

"What do you say we get caught up on Outlander?" The truth is I haven't had time to just relax and watch tv, but oh am I taking that opportunity tonight.

A few hours later

Sleep finally started overcoming me so I turned off the tv and huddled under the covers of my bed in my cold room.

The last thing on my mind was, what if Colin not remembering everything about us turns out not being a bad thing?

So there it is the update you've all been waiting for!! Over 1k words! I couldn't decide which direction I wanted the story to go but I'm pleased with the result of my fangirl imagination *shoots confetti gun* I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to get the next chapter up tomorrow or the day after

PLEASE COMMENT... did this chapter meet your expectations???

VOTE if you think it deserves one and if you aren't following me maybe you could consider it *flutters eyelashes*??

I love you all and as always, God bless |writinglac14|♥♥

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