The Truth Tells

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Colin's POV

"Helen" she answered with an angelic voice.

"Well it's nice to make your acquaintance"

"You're so proper"

"Proper you say?"

"The way you talk. No one talks like that anymore"

"I find it rather charming"

"Uh huh keep telling yourself that, buddy" she said chuckling, shoving my shoulder playfully.

"Oh I will" I said smirking as we continued to stroll down the hall.

We kept walking until we arrived in front of her next class.

"So - well you probably want this" I said referring to the text book.

"Right, the text book, thank you. And, um, you can't see without these" she said referring to my classes that fell off my face due to the pounding I endured. She had picked them up before we darted down the hall and I forgot to ask her for them.

"Ah" I said placing the glasses on my bruised face. "I know, not your style."

"Well there's only one way to find out" she spoke taking the glasses from my hands as I was cleaning the smudges off and placing them on her own face.

"Yea not me at all" she laughed and I laughed along with her. Her laugh is so contagious.

Jen's POV

Everything that occured last night is still a blur to me. All I remember is Colin punching Grant and me darting out of his room so Helen didn't see me. I attempted to sit up in bed but my throbbing forehead said otherwise. Ava yawned amd stretched her legs before strolling over to me and licking my face.

"Good morning girl" I spoke as I yawned and rubbed her back. I picked up my phone to check the time. I actually have time to make breakfast this morning considering I'm not visiting Colin before work. After what happened last night I can't bare to even see him.

I attempted for the second time to sit up and succeeded, my head not hurting as badly. I walked into my bathroom and took pain relieving pills for my headache.

Ava was already in the kitchen by the time I took my pills and put my hair up.

Helen's POV

"Hey babe" I spoke as I kissed Grant on the cheek.

"Where's Evan?"

"At a friend's house. It's just the two of us." Well not really cause we are in the hospital but close enough.

"Has he taken the pills yet?" He asked with anticipation laced into his voice.

"I don't know but I'm headed to him right after this to bring him breakfast. He usually takes them before breakfast."

"Good, we need the medicine to start kicking in. Once he has consumed enough of the medicine to raise his fever you'll know it's working"

"Right. Ok, well I better, um, get going" I stuttered. Uncertainty. That's what was overwhelming me at the moment. Do I really want to go through with this? This is the first time I've doubted my actions about the whole dilemma. Grant on the other hand can't wait to finally be mine and have Colin out of the way.

Is this right?

Narrator's POV
*a week later*

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