Pursuit of Happyness

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I seriously can't tell you guys how long I've done nothing but stare at that^^ gif😍

Helen's POV

I tried texting Colin last night to make sure he was ok and if he was planning on spending the night on set or coming back to the hospital, but he didn't answer. I presume he had fallen asleep. Jen hasn't deserved any of this and the more I think about what I've done, even if for the right cause, I become more and more ashamed.

Colin has always been easy to talk to, like a brother or best friend. Less like a lover. We haven't harbored intimate feelings for some time and honestly I would rather move on from him. However, I hate the thought of a divorce. The hardest thing about all this, will be Evan. He's so young and no child should have to grow up transferring between homes.

I've been doing daily devotionals with a Bible study group back in Ireland and just before Colin's accident we were discussing the 'perfect marriage'. God made us to mate for life, so getting a divorce with Colin would be sin. He didn't make marriage to be temporary and just come apart when couples have falling outs.

Colin loves me. Colin loves Jen. He loves me like a relative. He loves Jen like something more.

| mother |

"maidin mhaith"
| goodmorning | I say as Evan attempts to wipe sleep from his eyes. Clearly having difficulty, he begins to sob but I swoop him in my arms and tell him to count to five and it will all be gone.

"one... two... three... f -" I start counting but am cut off by a masculine voice coming from the doorway.

"Having trouble with your son, huh?" He says bitterly as he advances toward me. I don't want anything to do with him - not anymore. Evan starts to squirm so I put him down gently on the bed and turn on Teletubbies to keep him occupied.

"What do you want Grant?"

"To simply talk to my girlfriend who -" Now it's my turn to cut him off as I step away from his arms ever so subtly trying to embrace me.

"I'm not your girlfriend I'm pissed"

"What the bloody hell do you mean?"

"I didn't think you'd have the audacity to come crawling back to me after what you did but low and behold here you are!"

"If I remember correctly, and I do, it was you who came crawling to me! This whole shenanigan was for you to get out of your marriage!"

"And now I realize that was a mistake... I let my emotions cloud my judgement and because of that I ended up with a bastard!"

He grabbed my wrist with such force that will definitely leave a bruise and yanked me till my chest was up against his own - his breath ghosting over the shell of my ear.

"I'd watch yourself next time you speak ill of me, you hear?" He threatened and seethed through gritted teeth. I felt pressure relieved off my wrist simultaneously when Grant's phone buzzed. He smirked mischievously and I assume he is replying to a text.

I glance down to the dim screen in his hand and with squinted eyes I see that it's Jen he's texting. At first I'm shocked but then it dawns on me that she doesn't know the truth about him yet...

When I lift my head I see him glaring at me with a death stare that sends nerves racking through my body. He grabs my wrist again, this time with his fingernails threatening to break the skin.

"I take it Jen doesn't know" I don't answer until he applies more pressure.

"I haven't had the chance to tell her, and I'm sure they're too busy enjoying the now and not what happened." I say referring to Jen and Colin.

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