The Storm

710 47 67

WARNING: smut in this chapter (its only referenced and talked about)

Jen's POV

8...9...10 I stopped counting the number of shots I downed at 6 and since then I think I've had roughly 6 more. Who knows. Who cares. Should I care? No, you deserve it girl

I let myself get lost once more in the alcohol and the buzz it sends through my body as I down it. He hasn't said a word in a while, just refilling our glasses and occasionally glancing over at me. He seems as if the alcohol isn't bothering him so he gulps the rest of the half full bottle as I sit here in awe. He wipes his lips and moves to open the next unopened bottle.

The cork pops out and instead of pouring us another shot he stands up, advances toward me, and stops meer inches from my face. His body practically in between my legs.

His body heat radiating off him like a fire and warming my chilled bones. Jen stop you don't feel that way about him

My conscience is interrupted by a cough and a full bottle of tequila held close to my face.
"Chug it" is all he says, never taking his lust - filled eyes off me.

Shockingly I actually do as he says and bring the bottle to my lips. The rim is cool and the liquid sends a pleasing burning sensation through my body and forces me to pause before continuing.

"Don't stop. Chug!" He says again. He almost sounds angry

I obey. Not asking any questions. The alcohol is clearly affecting me, usually I wouldn't allow someone to talk to me like that even if it was the alcohol talking.

I usually don't drink but when I do I see why people say you get a rush of "liquid courage."

By the time my mind catches up with my body I notice the bottle is already half empty. How the hell did that happen!?

He looks as shocked as I am but there's something else hidden in the layers of his features. Lust? No not really. Anger? Not anymore... It finally hits me like a lightbulb turning on

"Why-y a-are you tryi-ng to gt me dru- nnk?" I slur unattractively

He gasps as if offended, "get you drunk? Ha ney! Why would I ever do such a thing" I couldn't help catch onto the immense sarcasm laced in his voice.

"I-I don't know w-why" I say trying to keep my composer and not pass out in front of him.

"Ooo you're a smart lass. Yes I am trying - or rather succeeding at getting you drunk."

"B-but why" I say silently cursing my slur.

He just smirks, takes the bottle from my hand, and I fall into perpetual darkness. I pass out.

Colin's POV

Since Jennifer has plans this evening I decide to spend some more time with Helen and Evan before they head back to Ireland.

"You could always stay here. I know we won't be living together anymore but I want to remain the best of friends, just like it used to be. And Evan wouldn't have to grow up without both parents relatively close." I say trying to convince her, but by her body language I think I'm failing.

"Colin. I love you, you're a great guy and my best friend and I can't think of a better father for Evan but" she sighs clearly not comfortable telling me this. "He's grown up in Ireland, his friends are there, our family is there. He doesn't even speak English." A single tear rolls down her cheek

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