Chapter 7: Illusion Isle

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I awoke on a shore of cold stones with a gasp of air. I was alone. I called for Tariq, but their didn't seem to be any life around. I looked down, I was in a dress: my funeral dress. I was supposed to wear this to the funeral for Chase. Stumbling around on bare feet, I came across a dark mist. I reached my hand inside and dark tendrils pulled me in.


When I was pulled into the dark abyss, all I could feel was the feeling of falling. I couldn't breathe and I struggled for air. Then I heard the voices. I heard screams and wails of agony. My own cries joined the ruckus. An apparition of Chase appeared in front of me and I fought to get to him. He smiled and disappeared into the mist. I soon followed him deeper into the dark.


"I love you."

"Where are you!"

"A monster."

The mist then swarmed to form the bridge. I stood rooted to where I was; I couldn't suffer this pain again. I wanted to turn my head, but Chase looked angelic as he glowed. He then smiled and jumped off the bridge with a bloodcurdling scream. The mist then swarmed to form Chase struggling for air: I was seeing his death.

"No more!"


"Help me!"

"I've got you."

I felt strong arms encircle my waist. The mist disappeared and I was on the rocky shore again. I then cover my face and I began to cry as Tariq rubbed my back. I listened to the crashes of waves upon the rocks to regain my breathing. I grasped at my locket.

"Where are we?"

"I hate this damned place."


"The Isle of Illusion."

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