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"I should really go back now..." Sana said, looking back at the counter and the two boys continuously, as if she thought it rude to just leave them. "May I..."

BamBam frowned slightly but then he agreed to let her leave. After all, it was still her shift and it didn't seem fair to her colleague that she should just sit around talking while he did her work for her.

The girl gave a little bow before rushing and taking her place back at the counter.

"What was that about?" Youngjae hissed once she was out of earshot.
"I was curious about her," BamBam shrugged. "I have to say, you have surprisingly good taste in girls, Youngjae. She's really nice."
"I never really said that I liked her,"

But BamBam knew for a fact that Youngjae did like her. Well... It wasn't really that hard to see. Youngjae had this light pink tint on his cheeks the whole time Sana was with them.

"Whatever you say,"

Youngjae narrowed his eyes at the younger boy, who was now finishing off the last drops of his drink, holding the cup with one hand and the other typing quickly on his phone.

"Jinyoung hyung's calling us already. We better go."

The pair of them quickly got up and gathered their things, BamBam calling out and giving Sana a smile and a wave before exiting the cafe, Youngjae following his actions.

"You know, I really need your being outgoing," Youngjae suddenly spoke up.
"Why?" BamBam asked, chuckling at Youngjae's words. "Because of Sana?"

He really knows these things...

As much as Youngjae didn't want to admit it, he still nodded, because really, it was true. He wanted to talk to Sana on his own more. That night was just...awkward. He didn't know how she felt about it, but that was what he felt.

"You want me to set you up with Sana?"

Youngjae didn't know why BamBam's offer surprised him.

And to be honest, he felt that his tone sounded a bit too harsh.

"Yes, me," BamBam nodded.

Youngjae's tone didn't seem to affect BamBam at all, and Youngjae was sort of relieved because of that. He knew BamBam could be very easily hurt on some days.

Fortunately, today wasn't one of those days.

"Why would you?"
"Because you seriously need a girlfriend."
"And you want it to be Sana..?"
"Well..." BamBam scratched his nape, nodding slowly. "Sana's nice. She's sweet and cute. And you like her. Why not?"

He could really feel his cheeks heating up right now.


"What took you guys so long?"

The first thing they hear when they walk in the room is a scolding from the one and only Park Jinyoung just because they were five minutes late from the time BamBam said they would be back.


"Anyway, now that you guys are here, let's start our discussion," Jaebum said quickly, cutting off Jinyoung's scolding.

They immediately sat down in different parts of the room. Jackson lying on the floor, Yugyeom and BamBam on the couch. Mark by the window. Youngjae sat down on the floor near Jackson. And Jaebum and Jinyoung merely standing up.

"So..." Jackson cleared his throat, sitting up after a few moments of lying down.
"What's this discussion about?" BamBam asked warily, constantly side eyeing Jinyoung in fear that he might start scolding them again and trying hard not to be seen side eyeing him.

Yeah, what exactly is this about?

"There's a new group who just challenged us," Jaebum started, glancing at Jinyoung to continue.
"And they said they wanted one on one dance battles." Jinyoung finally spoke, letting out a sigh and shooting a glare in Youngjae and BamBam's direction.

Why is he so worked up over us being late today? Is it just because of this?

"Who are they?" Mark asked, looking over at them.
"To be honest, I'm not really all that worried but–" Jaebum started, only to be cut off by Jinyoung.
"Jaebum! They are very talented! Have you seen their Youtube videos?"

Mark frowned to himself once they kept on talking, and nobody answered his question.

"They're only six members! And besides, their youngest is three years younger than those two!"
"Six members! One less than us!"

Hearing that fact, Yugyeom's eyes widened slightly. A new group whose youngest member was born in 2000? That guy was really young...

And for Jinyoung to be this worried over the challenge...

"Hold up! How good are they exactly?" Jackson said loudly to be heard.

Mark, who had already started to search on Youtube at Jinyoung mentioning they had a member who was three years younger than BamBam and Yugyeom, already had an idea of who they were.

He had to admit, they were good.

"Nyoung!" Mark called. "It's these guys, right?"

He handed his phone to Jinyoung, who walked over to him. Seeing the video playing on the screen, he immediately nodded. The other five boys quickly got up and started to watch the video over Jinyoung's shoulder.

The video ended and they were all silent.

"They're good." BamBam finally said. Youngjae bit his lips, frowning slightly as he silently agreed with BamBam.

Good is sort of an understatement.

"But hey, we can beat them!" Jackson said, trying to raise the others' spirits. "We're the best in Seoul, of course they're no match for us! We have seven amazing dancers, they've got only six!"

When nobody said a thing, Jackson tried again.

"Oh come on! If GOT7 can't do it, who else can? We've held the title of the best dance group for two years! So many have challenged us and they didn't even come close! We can do this! We can beat that Astro group! I mean, what sort of name is Astro? GOT7 sounds much cooler!"

So typical of Jackson to mention that.


Astro. I've got nothing to say. Astro.

Let's Date : Choi Youngjae [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now