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"Uhh... Hey..."

Maybe waiting for her shift to end isn't such a great idea.

"I'm sorry, but we're already closed for the night." she informed him, smiling and looking at him.
"Yeah, I know that. I just sort of wanted to know if you were free tonight..." he said slowly, following her as she checked everything.
"Yes, I'm free. Why?" she asked, now closing the lights and locking the door as the both of them went out of the cafe.
"I know this is a bit awkward, but I want to get to know you because I think you're really pretty and sweet."

He had said it in a rush, his words coming out so quickly that he thought she wouldn't be able to understand a word he said. But then, her cheeks turned pink as she looked down at her hands.

"Okay, let's talk then,"

They both sat down at a roadside stall after deciding to go and eat something as we talked. Sure, we were awkward, but maybe, that awkwardness will lessen if we talk and eat at the same thing.

"You're Japanese?" Youngjae asked, swallowing, to which she nodded. "Well that explains why your name doesn't seem Korean at all. Where in Japan?"
"Osaka." she answered, reaching out for her cup and taking a sip.
"I haven't been to Osaka, only Tokyo." he shrugged, then suddenly thought to greet her in Japanese, "Konichiwa, Sana-ssi,"

She stifled a laugh and ended up smiling widely. Youngjae blinked and shook his head slightly at the fact that he had just used both Korean and Japanese in one greeting.

"You're cute, Youngjae-ssi," she smiled at him.

Again, he swore to himself that he just felt his heart stop for a second right there. Then he felt his cheeks starting to burn and he took a long drink of water to avoid talking about his red face.

Around an hour later, he had walked her home and was just heading back to his own house when he passed by the park.

He saw two guys, one blonde, in the distance who were racing against each other on bicycle and skateboard, and he thought that it might be Mark and BamBam, since that was their usual pastime.

When Youngjae finally reached them, and yes, it was Mark and BamBam, the Thai boy was sitting on the grass, frowning as he adjusted his beanie and Mark was still going around in circles on his skateboard.

"Hi, Youngjae!" BamBam waved at him cheerfully.
"Hey," he smiled and took a seat down on the grass beside BamBam.
"Why are you out so late?" Mark asked, putting his feet down on the ground and picking up his skateboard.
"I was out,"
"Obviously," Mark rolled his eyes. "With who? Jaebum? Jackson?"
"Not Jackson," BamBam started, "Jackson was practicing with Yugyeom."
"I met this girl last week..." Youngjae said slowly.

In seconds, the two boys had moved from their positions to sit right in front of Youngjae, even BamBam. who was just beside him, had moved quickly.

"Do you like her?" BamBam asked immediately, not even waiting for Youngjae to tell them who she was. He answered Mark's question and ignored BamBam's completely, starting to speak again.
"She works at a cafe, and she's Japanese–"
"Japanese girls are cute. I bet she's cute." BamBam mumbled.
"–and she's really nice and cheerful. She loves to sing and dance, too! We talked about a lot of other things, but I'm not really sure if I should tell you guys since they're just random."
"Do you have her number?" Mark asked. Youngjae shook his head.

Why would he even have her number already?

Spending his time talking with Mark and BamBam, he forgot how late it was already until BamBam pointed it out and got up to leave.

"Aren't you going home?"
"Oh right, yeah, I will," Youngjae quickly got to his feet and jogged over to BamBam, who was on his bicycle again to ride home.


"Oh, hi," Sana looked up at him, smiling. "The usual for you?"
"And a plain milk tea, too," he replied, returning her smile. He handed her the money as she punched in his order and gave him a number.

Even though it was a farther walk home from the place to his house, he had become used to going to the cafe she worked at for at least three times a week just to see her as time passed and they became even closer.

"I see you've got a friend with you today," she said to him, giving him his receipt.
"Yeah. He wanted to come with me for a weird reason so...here he is."

He went back to his table, where BamBam leaned over to him the moment he sat down and a single question escaped the Thai boy's lips.

"What's her name again?"
"Her name is Sana."
"She's pretty."

Youngjae rolled his eyes, but he was agreeing with BamBam. Even though BamBam liked a girl because of her personality, he would always look at her face first. He was sort of weird that way.

"Hey, Bam, get it, will you?" Youngjae handed BamBam the number as Sana's voice rang through the cafe, calling out the number.

BamBam sighed and got up, obviously not wanting to get up at all. Youngjae chuckled to himself. This was something he really liked about hanging out with BamBam, and or Yugyeom. He could boss them around and they couldn't complain because Youngjae was the older one.

It was the sort of thing Jackson would abuse.

But then BamBam came back a minute later holding a tray, with Sana following him.

"Sana!" Youngjae said, his tone surprised. "Aren't you working?"
"Your friend over here persuaded me to join you guys for a while," she said, frowning slightly. BamBam laughed awkwardly, running his hand through his hair.
"You don't have to if you don't want to–" Youngjae started to say when BamBam cut him off.
"No, please do stay," he gave the girl a charming smile and all Youngjae could do while watching BamBam was sigh.
"Well, since he already asked my coworker to take over the counter for a while, I guess I'll stay," she chuckled.

BamBam gave her a wide smile, then waited for her to sit before sitting down himself and putting the tray down on the table.

"My friend over here seems to talk about you quite a lot, and that made me curious about you. So tell me about yourself, Sana-ssi," BamBam said, smiling. "My name is BamBam, and I'm one of Youngjae's friends."

Youngjae couldn't believe what was happening right now. BamBam was so impulsive.


Happy New Year!! I was actually supposed to post this last week, but I wasn't able to because of the internet >.< Sorry... And I hope you enjoyed it even though it wasn't really much... What do you think? ^^

Let's Date : Choi Youngjae [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now