< seven >

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Youngjae had no idea how BamBam and Yugyeom had the idea to go to the same restaurant as them, when Sana was the one who chose the restaurant today and Youngjae didn't even tell anybody he was with Sana tonight.

So the four of them just ended up sitting together.

"Where are the others?"
"Oh, they went to eat meat since Jinyoung kept on whining about it," Yugyeom explained. "But we wanted to eat something less heavy, so here we are,"

Youngjae noticed that Yugyeom dropped the formalities already.

"What about you two, then?" BamBam asked Sana, a playful smile on his lips. "Why are you two here together?"
"To eat."

She answered it with a straight face and Youngjae couldn't help but burst out laughing. She was so serious even though her words were sarcastic. Yugyeom was holding back his laughter, but he had a wide smile on his face. BamBam was shaking his head, while Sana just looked confused.

"Why are you guys laughing? We're here to eat, am I right?"

God, she's really so cute.

"Forget about it, Sana," BamBam smiled at her, "Let's just order now."

They were together for approximately two hours because Yugyeom and BamBam got this sudden idea to drink now that the hyungs weren't there, and nobody they knew would see them (except for Youngjae and Sana) and those two most definitely couldn't leave the two youngest alone.

Who knows what they could when drunk?

And it turned out that Yugyeom and BamBam's drunk conversation consisted mostly of talking about embarrassing stuff that happened to other people and laughing at their stupidity.

In this case, it was Jackson's.

"Hey, guys, we'll get going first," Youngjae cleared his throat and tapped Sana's arm so she would move faster, because once they passed out, they'll be in real trouble because they'll be the ones who'll have to carry them back home.

Yugyeom, who wasn't as drunk as he looked and was still sober compared to BamBam, nodded at them then waved cheerfully.

"Goodbye, guys!" BamBam suddenly shouted out, laughs escaping his lips. "I hope you guys get together soon!"

Note to self, Youngjae. Remember to never tell BamBam anything.

Sana followed Youngjae out, pushing her hair back as it hung in a long curtain by her face. Once they were a block away, Youngjae stopped walking and glanced back at her, his cheeks still tinted pink from what BamBam had earlier.

"Well... That was... Interesting..."

He burst into laughter again, and she covered her mouth as she giggled. Those stories were indeed embarrassing on Jackson's part. He glanced at his watch, then slung his arm around her shoulder. she tensed at the action, but quickly relaxed, simehow getting used to it already.

"Come on. I'll walk you back to your house first, then I'll come back to take those idiots home,"
"Oh, you can go to them already, I can walk home by my own,"
"Nonsense, it's already late. It's not good for a girl to be alone at night. I don't want anything bad to happen to you," he frowned at her.
"I think you should take them home first, though. They're drunk, and I'm completely sober,"
"But you're a girl,"
"And I'm sober,"
"Your point, Sana?"
"I can walk home on my own."
"That doesn't change my mind on putting them first before you, though," he smiled at her then started to walk, his arm still around her.

Let's Date : Choi Youngjae [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now