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I thanked the lady behind the counter, holding onto the bouquet of tulips. The fragrance of the flowers wafted into my nose, my heart slamming against my rib cage as I got back into my pickup truck.

I wonder how she's doing..

- - - - -

I knocked on the hospital room door, one hand jammed in my pocket as the other held the bouquet of tulips behind my back. "Come in!" A chirpy voice answered; I couldn't help but grin when I realized how much Kate was recovering since I'd escaped her on the rooftop yesterday. "Theodore!" Kate exclaimed, sitting up straighter in the hospital bed when I walked into the room. The bouquet of tulips was hidden behind my back, the grin appearing on my face couldn't be helped.

I let out a small laugh, saying, "I see you've been looking forward to seeing me."

Kate rolled her eyes, getting up to sit in the chair allocated by the window. I froze, looking at the window, then back at her. "Theodore, what do you take me for?" Kate asked in horror, "Even if I wanted to jump, I can't. The window's locked tight."

I tried not to let her see how relieved I was by this, but I shook my head, looking around the hospital room.

Balloons with 'Get well soon!' written on them were on Kate's bedside, a variety of cards lying on the small coffee table in front of her bed catching my eye.

So people do care..

Just as I put the bouquet of tulips by the cards, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I opened it, finding a quick message from Juliet.

'just wanted 2 let u know bout zach and v. sorry.'

Wait.. Wha- Oh.

Though I was mildly offended that Victoria had been cheating on me with someone like Zachary, I couldn't help but feel relieved. Obviously, I felt horrible about him cheating on Juliet, but.. I'm a free man now.

I texted a quick apology to Juliet, and started preparing this for Victoria:

'So. You and Zach, huh?
It's fine; I could tell you never really liked me from the moment we started talking. You probably just didn't want me to go anywhere near Kate anyways, but here we are.
You put her through enough pain, so I think it's best for us to end things. It's better this way.
Later, Victoria.

Right when I was about to press send, a knocking on the door came about. I looked at Kate, then back at my phone. I locked the phone, raising an eyebrow at Kate - to which she nodded in acknowledgment - then proceeded towards the door. I opened it, taken by surprise by who had showed up.

"Victoria?" I asked, appalled by the fact that she came by to see Kate. "What brings you here?"

Victoria held up a card, as well as a box of chocolates. "Are you gonna let me in or are you going to make me stand out here like a loser?" She drawled, the sarcasm in her words oozing into the floor. I raised my hands in surrender, waiting by the door as she spoke with Kate. They spoke for several minutes, I was surprised by how absorbed in conversation the two girls were.

I actually caught them smiling at one another after they bid each other goodbye.

I saw Victoria looking pointedly towards the door, a gesture of her wanting to speak with me in private. I looked towards Kate, mouthing, "Will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine," Kate mouthed back - I couldn't help notice her gaze lingering onto Victoria in hesitation - to which I walked out the room, ending up alone in the hospital corridor with Victoria Chase. Our footsteps briefly echoed, the sounds of our shoes hitting the floor bouncing about the walls of Arcadia Bay's hospital.

I jammed one hand in my pocket, the other holding onto my phone, waiting for an answer from Victoria. Both of my eyebrows were raised at her as I held my phone up after unlocking it, showing Victoria the text I was about to send her. "Well?" I asked her.

"Theo," Victoria sighed, "Okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have cheated on you."

I rolled my eyes at her, snapping, "Well, sweetheart, that's not why I'm mad. The reason why I'm mad is because you were the one who insisted we hook up, even though you knew I couldn't give you someone to be in bed with."

Victoria shook her head, her gaze intense as she replied flawlessly, "I admit it; but you can't keep demonizing me just for wanting me to keep you away from her," Victoria reasoned with me, crossing her arms over her chest as we stood in the hospital corridor.

I ran a hand through my hair, sighing as I asked, "But why Zachary?"

Victoria's lips twitched at that, "Though he may be dumb, he's cute. Plus, he's great in bed."

I made a sort of choking-gagging sound at the back of my throat, stifling a look of disgust as I spoke with Victoria. "I did not need to know that, thanks." I said to her, shuddering at the image in my head. "You're lucky I'm still a virgin."

Victoria shook her head at me, "It's gonna stay that way until you get married to Kate; if you're willing to wait that long, that is."

"Victoria," I started, but I got cut off by her.

"I came here to apologize, and I'm done. So it's best if we just stayed.."

I blinked at her, not really knowing what to call her. We weren't friends, nor were we even acquaintances. "..classmates?" I suggested in a joking manner.

Victoria nodded, a tight lipped smile on her lips as she waved me goodbye.

I'm free.


A/N: If you guys have anything to say at all, don't be shy! I do take your opinions very seriously, so I'll do my best to respond! :D

A nice Victoria!? Wow! Jkjk she's just insecure; that was her way of trying to say that she wasn't.. *coughs loudly* Do you approve, Jk Tolkien? ;)

I love reading what you guys have to say, so if you want just ask, and I will answer! Drop a fav/follow if you wanna keep up! I also have an announcement coming up a couple of chapters from now, so keep on your toes ;3

Bye for now! :D

-LGGH AKA Atticus

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