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I didn't ask for this.

I didn't ask for Nathan Prescott's usual bullshit about having good reputations in school and whatnot; let's be clear, I fucking hate Nathan Prescott. He's a bully, a pussy who hides behind the people he uses as a shield, and to be perfectly honest, I couldn't give two shits about what he has to offer me or say. People like him are so full of shit, it actually disgusts me.

As the name suggests, the Vortex Club quite literally, sucked me in. Honest to God, I had no interest in people like Nathan Prescott and Victoria Chase (and she just had to be named after one of my favorite PJO characters, didn't she?). I shit you not, there is so much fucking drama, I'm done. I've had it.

Rachel Amber was probably one of the only nice ones in the Vortex Club; oh, her and Dana Ward.

It's too bad shit always has to happen to the nice people in Blackwell.

First, Dana's pregnancy rumors; I wonder if they were true after all. Logan and her were never really official, but it's still surprising to hear about.

Then, Rachel Amber. She vanished into thin air; Rachel was talking to me about Price one day, then she was gone the next.

I still wonder about Price; ever since she got expelled from Blackwell, I never really heard much from her or about her since Rachel's disappearance. It came as no surprise to me that she wanted to run off with her, like it was some kind of Romeo and Juliet romance of sorts.

The sound of Stressed Out by twenty øne piløts gradually started to increase in volume because of the alarm on my phone. I rolled over in my bed, groaning tiredly. "Fuck off," I muttered, nearly knocking my phone over as I turned it off.

I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes and looked at my messy room. "Hit the showers, Jones," I groaned to myself as I crawled out of my bed tiredly, stuffing my feet into a pair of sandals and reaching for my towel, throwing it over my shoulder. I quickly grabbed the nearest shirt and pulled it over my head, putting it on temporarily, also grabbing a pair of jeans to put on later, seeing that I was just in my boxers. I got my shower bucket and headed out, ignoring the early morning hollers coming from the boys' dorm.

"Aww, someone's looking sleepy!" Sam hooted as he trotted over to me, punching my shoulder lightly. His pale and skinny frame reminded me of a paper doll, one that just wouldn't leave me alone. Sam had these really faded grey eyes, the kind of grey that you see on the stones that lined the grass in Blackwell.

I punched his face without any hesitation.

Sam flew backwards, landing onto the floor. Caleb saw what had happened and came up to me, blocking Sam and me from starting a fight so early in the morning. "Bro, what the fuck?" Caleb asked me, helping Sam up. "Fights this early in the morning?"

"Tell him to fuck off and stop acting like a kid first, then we'll see," I snapped at him, storming off into the showers.

As you could already tell, my mood swings were part of the reason why Sam and Caleb were the only ones who stuck by me.

I wasn't the kind of person who believed in 'kindness,' this was a cruel world we lived in. Survival of the fittest and whatnot.

As soon as I got in, I stripped off my clothes and turned the shower on, letting the cold water rush past my body. I wasn't exactly considered muscular, but I wouldn't be categorized as scrawny, either. More like healthy and fit enough to be considered lean. I breathed out, seeing that I needed to be properly woken up before class started in the next couple of hours. I scrubbed my body with the soap, the smell of my body wash wafting into my nose.

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