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"What exactly do you see in her, man?" Sam said to me in disgust. "She's a such a slut. You know about the porno being spread across the school!"

Caleb shook his head in disappointment, telling me, "Kate Marsh is fucking disgusting."

"She's a fucking skank."



Their words echoed in my head, but none of it meant a thing to me.

"She's beautiful," I said to them, the words slipping out the way a professional ice skater gracefully danced across an ice rink.

Caleb and Sam looked at me in confusion, appalled by the fact that I was defending the girl I loved. "You're calling a hoe beautiful?" Caleb spat at me.

"There are so many other girls here in Blackwell," Sam started, "much hotter girls at that, and you pick Kate fucking Marsh?"

They continued to bitch and moan about my taste in women, but their words were merely muffled and cloudy in my ears.

And then, I saw her.

Walking out of the school's main building, clutching her bag tightly as she walked in careful and calculated steps.

She looked around in paranoia, looking my way for a split second. I could see the bags under her eyes because of the stress and rumors being thrown around about her.

Kate knew she was being watched.

I just wish she knew that not everyone was against her.

That there was someone who loved her for who she was.

And that they'd be there for her till the end.

Too bad she didn't know I existed.

Once A Stranger, Now A Savior | Life Is Strange / LISWhere stories live. Discover now