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I woke, temples throbbing, whole body crammed in a tight space. I shut my eyes almost instantly, the memories surging before my closed eyes, forcing their way into my brain, replaying and replaying, over and over again. I opened my mouth to scream, only for it to be muffled by a rag that was stuffed into my mouth. Ew. It tasted gross.

I tried to spit it out, but I only started gagging on the taste. What was that? Gasoline? I started struggling in the tight space, but I stopped after I lost my strength. It was too dark to see much other than the small outline of a glowing rectangle on the trunk. It was a window! I needed to find a way to signal for help.

I tried to sit up, but failed miserably. My hand were tightly tighed behind me and my shoulders were wedged between two heavy boxes. I was really uncomfortable. I could feel tears burn in my eyes again and I started choking on the rag. A few agonizing minutes later, the car stopped abruptly and the boxes shifted slightly, smacking me in the head.

I started shaking when I heard my kidnapper open the trunk and I started panicing again. He grabbed me and pulled me into a dark room, everything was too dark for me to see. I could feel his strong hands push me roughly onto a wooden chair and tie my limbs to it securely.

A light was turned on and my gag was taken out. I spluttered and choked for a whopping two minutes while my kidnapper stared at me in disbelief. He seemed to be amused.

"You're pathetic, you know?" he smirked.

I couldn't help but reply with a snippy comment, "Well, you shouldn't be kidnapping me in the first place! " I disrespecfully spit onto his face, knowing that I was going to regret it, but at this point I was just so fed up with him. I felt like screaming, 'Just kill me already and get over with it!'

His eyes flared dangerously and turned almost a dark black. There, I told you, villians usually had dark eyes. I felt petrified at what was going to happen to me and I shrank back against the chair, squeezing my eyes tightly shut as his hand smacked against my cheek, stinging it. I shrieked in pain and impulsively tried to cup my stinging cheek in my hands, but they were tied behind my back.

My lip quivered; I wasn't sure if I was crying because I was scared of him or if I was sad that I was gonna have to say good bye to my family and friends. Tears ran down my cheeks. I watched through my blurry vision his eyes turn lighter and he seemed almost apologetic. No. My mind was probably just playing tricks on me.

"What's your name?" he asked, his tone soft, but his hands were balled up in fists.

I tore my eyes away from his hands and back to his eyes, once again losing myself in them. I don't know why I answered, but I did in a soft whisper that shook with each word, bare understandable, "Kayla."

"Mine's Harry; nice to meet you Kayla." he said with an almost polite voice.

I nodded carefully, not trusting him.


"19." I replied, scared of what the coincedences of not answering his could be.

"I'm 22." He replied.

I just nodded again, uncomfortable.

"Go to sleep." he said.

"No." I surprised myself too with my sudden boldness.

His head snapped up, looking at me curiously.

I cowered at his sudden movement and we both slowly relaxed again. "Why did you kidnap me?" I demanded an answer, ignoring the voice inside of me that was warning me to shut up. I watched Harry close his eyes and clench his jaw tightly. It was a long time before he answered, "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" I insist, confused. "You have to know! You don't just kidnap someone for no reason!" My voice had risen to a shout now and I was shaking like a leaf at this point.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Harry yelled back, standing up to his full height now, towering over my confined body.

I didn't reply, knowing that i had went too far now. I shut my eyes, squeezing them tightly and heard him sigh and leave the room, shutting off the light.

Why did he have to be so confusing? And what was with his mood swings? I exhaled, finally letting go of the breath that I didn't realize that I had been holding and fell into an uncomfortable and restless sleep.

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