Day 368

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It was raining again. It almost seemed like the weather was constantly changing to match the mood of how my day would turn out. I look outside glumly and watched the clouds cover the sky and rain blue my vision. Harry. Ugh. I didn't know what to think. Sure, he was a beautiful specimen with those lucious brown curls, green eyes, full lips, and dimples, but did I love him? Sure, I liked him – it's kind of hard not to when he looks at you every second of the day with a awestruck expression on his face whenever he saw you, but again, did I love him?

He was caring, he waited patiently for me to finish going through my thoughts and trying to sort things out, but I could see the anxiety inside of him. Killing him. Eating him out. Just like how all this thinking was eating me too. But he had his cons too. He had that temper that erupted every now and then, but it hadn't surfaced since he had brought me to the fancy restaurant, but what if we got into a fight?

Also, was it right to fall in love with a stalker/kidnapper? I shuddered at the thought, but quickly remembered that he had saved me. Ugh. It seemed as if whenever I made my decision, another reason to think the opposite would pop up. I was growing more and more frustrated as hours passed.

I wasn't ready for a relationship. Not a serious one, at least. Maybe we could just be friends , get to know each other, and maybe even go on a few dates. Then, we could see how our emotions would turn out to be in the end. Perfect-ish. I exasperatedly threw my hands in the air and stood up.

He was instantly to my side, keeping a cautious distance between us, but he was obviously wondering what I was going to say. "Harry, I don't think I'm ready for a serious relationship yet." I sughed, not wanting to see his hurt expression.

His expression didn't seem to turn out too bad, so I continued, "But maybe we could get to know each other more and we'll see how things turn out then, okay?" He looked slightly disapointed, but happy.

"Sure, anything. In fact, I'll bring you out for lunch today, okay?" he replied with a hopeful smile on his face.

I nodded and skipped to my room, happy to see how everything went by smoother than I thought it would be. I pulled on a casual but nice outfit and jacket to keep me protected from the weather.


We were at a place, Nando's I think. The food was pretty good for a fast food restaurant and we were pigging out. Harry's eyes were shining as he told me about a time that his sister, Gemma's lip got stuck to a fab ice lolly. I could tell that he loved her a lot and missed her, wherever she was.

"Why don't you visit them?" I asked him, and his face quickly drained of color and his eyes turned a shade darker.

"I can't." he replied with remorse in his voice.

"Why no–" my voice was cut off by his sharp voice and he said, "I just can't."

I quickly dropped the subject when I noticed how dark his eyes were now and I fiddled around with my hands.

It took a few minutes for him to go back to talking and laughing with me. But even so, I could see that I had touched a dark spot of his that would take quite some digging to uncover his secret.

After we finished eating, we strolled along the waterside, now that the weather had died down somewhat. Our hands were entwined tightly and we were just inches apart. Once again, we watched the sun set, filling us with the sweet memories of our past. "Harry, I want to try something.." I said quietly.

He raised his eyebrows, "yes?"

Without a word, I leaned up and held tightly onto his curls with my fisted hands and hesitantly leaned forwards to kiss him. He leaned impulsively forwards too and our lips crashed together.

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