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A young woman lay sprawled on the bottom of a seemingly endless pit with freshly dug up dirt piled around her and only a small circle of light above her to keep her sane and still filled with a hope that grew dimmer with each passing day. She could barely move because of her fall, breaking several bones and leaving her vision blurry and head throbbing. Jagged memories flashed throughout her head, names echoed through her aching skull, and nightmares left her unable to sleep. Harry...Niall...Arielle...

Something was wrong with her head; she knew it, maybe it was because of her fall, and her memories even began to fade away. Soon, all she could feel were the dirt walls around her, the circle of light that she couldn't reach, and one name that she couldn't shake – Harry. All she could remember was that Harry was the last person that she saw before she was dropped into this hell hole and that he had kidnapped her once in her life. She didn't even remember her best friend or current boyfriend or family. Just Harry.

She was held captive for what seemed like forever, with only pieces of bread that were dropped down and water bottles to drink from. She could barely move, just lying down and forced to stare at the sliver of light that she would never be able to reach.... After weeks of struggling, she finally mustered enough strength to pick herself off the ground and more weeks to finally strengthen herself to climb the ridiculously tall dirt walls. But when she finally poked her head out, only to spot a buff looking man clad in black clothing shove her back down into the pit.

Luckily, she managed to slow the fall to keep from even more serious injuries by clawing the walls and breaking several nails. She screamed in fear and frustration when she saw a heavy and rusted lid cover the only route of escape...

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