Day 366?

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I woke up, feeling sunshine on my face for the first time in a while. (other than yesterday!) I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and smiled, looking out the window that wasn't covered in curtains anymore.


*Before Dinner Time*

There was a knock on my bedroom door and I said, "Come in."

Harry walked int othe room silently, handing me a small box of what seemed like clothes. Puzzled, I just nodded and he walked out. Clothes? Were we going somewhere?

I opened the small white box, revealing a beautiful outfit. I quickly picked up the dress and gasped. I hadn't had any reason to dress up into something nice for a looooooong time! And the girly girl inside of me was screaming. I guess we were going somewhere.

I quickly changed into the outfit, along with the pink heels, clutch, and earrings. I brushed my hair quickly, letting it stay in its natural waves.

I stepped outside, blushing when Harry's mouth fell open. "You look...gorgeous." he smiled, making me blush harder. His dimples flashed making me almsot melt. God, those eyes...

I snapped my gaze away from his face and looked at the ground embarassed and let him drive me to where ever we were going. We soon arrived, he parked his Range Rover carefully to a stop, before turning to me. I raised my eyebrows curiously at him when he didn't get out of the car or unlock the doors.

He hesitated, a small blush forming on his face and he had a sheepish expression on his face that was adorable. "Here." he pulled out a small chain with a pink pendant hanging on it. My jaw dropped. The rose quartz was carved into a perfect single rose that was simple yet elegant.

He smiled, and added shyly (OMG, HARRY'S BEING SHY!?) "Do you like it?

"Shh!" I shushed him, making him surprised. "Thank you so much.." I breathed, leaning forwards to hug him. I felt his hands wrap around my bare back and hug me back. Normally, this would have made me tense up and want to scream, but I felt a lot better to actually have some caring human contact.

He smiled, dimples flashing as he unlocked the doors and stepped outside. In a flash, he opened the door for me, making me blush pink and helped me out. After he closed the car door, he pulled me closer and fastened the necklace to me. I felt the cool pendant rest against my pink and warm skin and his fingers slightly brush my skin.

He grabbed my hand, pulling me into a fancy looking restaurant that was filled with people.


An hour later, we were smiling like fools and jumping into the car. All of the food portions weren't very filling and were ridiculously expensive, but we had a lot of fun, laughing and chatting causually, almost like we were actually friends. Many times, I asked myself why I was letting him do this to me. To befriend me. Especially when he kidnapped me, but I brushed those thoughts away, just letting myself have fun for once.

"How about we go get something stronger to drink?" He winked, making me blush for no reason. I nodded.

Minutes later, we pulled into a bar that was filled with people. I instantly felt too formally dressed, but shrugged and entered the bar with Harry.


We grabbed our who-knows-how-many round of drinks, staggering towards the dance floor. I was giggling like crazy, leaning heavily on him for support and he leaned back agaisnt me, making me laugh more and more.

We finished our drinks quickly, and started moving with the rhythm of the music. Blaring music filled my ears and slurred voices and laughter were everywhere. I lost sight of Harry quickly.

"Harry." I mumbled in a slurred voice, looking around for him, but quickly stopped when I started getting dizzy.

I bumped into someone's chest. "Harry?" I mumbled, not able to turn around to see who it was because of the packed dance floor.

"Yes." a deep voice answered back, making me shiver.

I started giggling again and kept dancing along with the music. I felt the man dancing too, and soon, the music started getting faster and faster, making the whole dance floor move crazily in a whirlwind. I felt hands around my waist, pulling me closer. I managed to turn around just as they started going lower and I realized that it wasn't Harry.

I staggered away, looking for him. "Harry?" I started saying louder. I dizzily walked around, pushing slightly at the packed crowd. Then, I found him. Yes! Before I could call his name again, I stopped. I realized that he was talking to someone. A girl. He started laughing at something she said and I saw him leaning forwards, a hand on her bare leg. Then, they kissed.

I had no idea why I was so angry. So filled with loathing for the unknown girl. Their kiss was very long, I watched the kiss grow deeper, making him moan slightly. I could feel wetness on my cheeks. I quickly wiped at it, was I really crying? Why? I didn't care for him. Did I? I shouldn't. No.

I pushed through the crowd, trying to comfort me by thinking that he was just drunk. I needed to forget everything. I ran over to the bar, ordering a 5 more shots of drink. "Miss, are you okay? I think you had enough for tonight." The bartender asked me, obviously concerned.

"Just get me my order!" I nearly shouted, but my voice was so slurred that it was barely a mumble.

He nodded and handed me my drinks.


*Hours Later*

I had seen Harry and the girl again, but they were walking out of the bar. I hurried to go after them, but I stopped when I saw him go into her car. What the fuck? I tried to call out for him, but they drove off. Dang it. What do I do now? I had no way of going back home with no car or any hope of walking to London, my home. I was totally wasted and about to fall asleep any moment.

I walked over to his Range Rover, opening the door and locking it after going in. I'd have to stay in here until he came back. If he ever did. I couldn't help but wish that the girl would get pulled over by the police for drunk driving, but she didn't look very drunk when I saw her. Dammit.

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