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*One week later*

It seemed as if my face was in a permanent grimace for a long time. Kayla had gone missing. The whole fucking UK believed that she was dead. And that I killed her. And to top that all off, I had failed that god damn polygraph.

Chicken shit. Those things aren't even reliable. But my failure in it was just enough leverage to make me a star suspect and false and misunderstood evidence landed me in court.

I was so going to end up losing and ending up in jail. Arielle, Niall, and Kayla's mom were all glaring at me from the wooden benches that they sat on.

The prosecutor spoke with a clear and sophisticated voice like a layer of cool hard steel. Her words just in the background for me. I was hardly paying attention to her anymore.

My eyes landed on Arielle, Kayla's best friend, the one that had understood Kayla's obsession and trust the most. That traitor.

Tears were streaming down her face and Niall was hugging her tightly and rubbing soothing circles on her arm, looking just as sad, but he kept himself standing straight. I wasn't the only one that noticed how close he and Arielle had gotten while they were both impacted by Kayla's abduction. Fuck him. His eyes were trained on me, his eyes cold.

I turned back at the prosecutor, who was still spewing lies about me. The jury were nodding, sending me cold glares and muttering to each other.

That's when I snapped. Everything just because a roar of white noise - from the lying prosecutor, muttering jury, insults being thrown at me from several people in the audience. Kayla was too precious to lose. Too precious to be hurt. Too precious to be seperated from me. Could she actually be dead?

I jumped to my feet, shoving away the two men that tried to restrain me. I tugged at my handcuffs and roared an inhumanly sound at the top of my lungs to let out all of my bottled emotions. My pain and anger and agony - it was now heard throughout the whole room, interrupting the tension of the whole court.

I dropped to my knees in defeat as tears escaped my now closed lids and I felt a needle jam into my arm and darkness and numbness take over...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2013 ⏰

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