chapter 4

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2 months later ....

Leah POV ..

Well , I'm doing better , I'm walking , talking . Waiting for everything to heal. My heart is so broken though. I don't know how I can get over the fact that I lost my pride and joy. Me and Rashaad aren't together. I had to cancel that, he cheated, we done, it's over. Part of me wants me, part of me don't.. I haven't talked to FaLynn in awhile , She hasn't been by , well that's what my mom tells me.. I guess I'm going to take a walk to clear my mind . Since I got out a couple days , Ain't nothing else better to do!

10 minutes later ...

I arrived at the park , I seem some dude walking too. He was hella cute, tall light skin, had long curly hair, pretty teeth, had green eyes. OMG he looked REAL foreign i mean gosh! Where have he been all of my life? but i didn't say anything i kept walking..

" Hey Lil Ma ? Slow down why you walking so fast? " He said

" Hi ,( i know i was blushing harder than a mug & he had a accent, YUP my dream boy. )" i said shyly 

" No need to be shy Ma, i'm Major, i'm new around here. " He said while licking his lips!

" Hi Major( I was cheesing) , Im Maleah , but you can call me Leah for short. Would you like for me to show you around or something? if that's what you're trying to ask ?"

" Well Ms.Leah , i would love for you to do that Ma. " He was smiling too.

" Come on then .. " I said 

* he grabbed my hand, i swear everything felt so right ! *

Major POV ..

Damn Leah was bad, she had everything a nigga WANTED! Had them damn curves, i know i could handle them. She was a redbone, Nice teeth, Kind of tall, Long hair to the middle of her back, she didn't wear make up. Lil baby all natural! Plus she was THICK! but i seen a few scars on her arm and stuff. It was still sexy though. It has to be a meaning behind it! Of course i'm going to find out

" Leah, so tell me about yourself  " i asked , while we were walking around the city

" Okay well , i'm 17 , my birthday is May 19th. I still stay with my parents, I'm finna start going back to school. I plan on going to the Air force once i graduate! I'm very smart A honor roll student. I'm goofy, Love playing the PS3 and basketball . What about you ? "

" Well damn Ma, you badder than a 3 year old!( We laughed) Well, I'm 19, graduated from school. Got moved here to go to college, I love to play basketball and PS3, i love to sing, Rap, all that. I can dance! My mom died when i was 10, everything happened infront of me and my little sister, my dad came home mad and drunk, he always accused my mom of cheating. But she wasn't,he got a gun and just shot her. I didn't know what to do. i was so afraid, i called the Feds and they just took him away. me and my sister were crying our ass off. It was Pretty hard for me to get over, I'm Puerto Rican,Jamaican & White. " 

" Sorry to hear that Major( I gave him a hug), i never could imagine how you feel."

" It's alright ma, everything happens for a reason , what will these little scars on your arm. " i asked?

" Well , couple months ago, I got in a car crash. " i said about in tears

" Damn ma, what happen. if you don't want to tell me , we'll try again anothet time. "

" no, i've been holding this in for to long. Well , I've met the love of my life, We were together for 4-5 years, He got me pregnant, i wanted to tell him in person. So i met up with him at the park and he was there with another female. Which was very disrespectful, I was very upset. I was crying and i drove home upset. Wrong idea i know right But i didn't care. Then all i remember is running into a tree and Ended up in the hosptial. " I was literally crying now.

" Damn ma , so you lost your kid? over a stupid ass nigga. That's some fucked up shit man, but it's okay Boo. I'm here now. " He gave me a kiss on the forehead and hugged me.

* We've been out for an hour or so * 

" I think it's time for me to go home , My mom might get worried . " i giggled

" Ok Leah , put my number in your phone. Can we meet up tomorrow after school? "

" Sure, Bye Major "

" See ya Leah . "

*we hugged then went our seperate ways.*

Leah pov ..

i didn't even get to show him around we just talked. everything felt so right. I never felt like this before. I just know i want to meet up with him again. He was real and loyal i could tell. I loved everything about him. I may seem crazy about him already. But hey, he's everything i've been looking and searching for. I didn't want to bring him home to mommy and daddy just yet. So i'll wait.

FaLynn Pov ..

" Rashad this don't feel right. Leah just got out a couple days ago and we here having sex, I'm such a bad friend! " i said rubbing my head 

" FaL , she ain't got to know. Unless you tell her bae. We've been hiding our feeling for eachother away. Where have you been all of my life ? " He said looking in my eyes

" This isn't right, i need to call her . " I felt like a Hoe.

" She probably forgot about us anyways so it doesn't matter " He said 

:" No she hasn't ! don't say that . "

" well you might as well get that in your head once she find out we fucking. " 

" UGH , i hate my self for this " 

" you wasn't say that when i was fucking you up "

" Shut up , " i threw a pillow at him . 

but i deep down like Rashaad even though he was MaLeahs First love. Everything was so wrong but it felt so right. I haven't talked to her since she got out , but she hasn't called or anything. So i'm not going to bother. 

Leah POV

I haven't talked to my bitch Lynn in awhile let me call her. 


me: Fallllll !

Falynn : Hey Girl , nice to hear your beautiful voice again ma. ( Rashaad screams : , WHO'S THAT YOU TALKING TO FAL, come to bed girl , don't you want another round ?! )

Me : Is that RASHAAD!? 


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