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Okay I'm not sure how the POV's thing went so I'm going to stick with no POV's
I'm also going to be adding lines in the normal scenes

After the reaping they were taken to the train and this takes off once they got dressed up for the tribute parade

Katniss goes to the horses after she's done and standing awkwardly at the horses when she hears the voice of the "humble" Finnick Odair. "Katniss" he starts, she sighs at the thought of talking to him. "Finnick" she says not looking up from her horse she is looking at wishing he will leave her alone and when he starts to talk she sighs again and turns around to face him. "Do you want a sugar cube?" He says in his seductive voice that has a slight purr to it which makes him more sexier. And he picks up a sugar cube from his hand between his right thumb and index finger and brings it too his mouth but sees her face. "Ya know it's supposed to be for the horses, but who cares about them right , they have there lifetimes to eat sugars.." He pauses for affect and comes slightly closer to Katniss but slow so it's undetected. "You and I..well if we see something sweet we better grab it" he says and moves closer again and throws the sugar cube up slightly and catching it. "No thanks" Katniss nods and keeps a straight face but you can tell she would be smirking a little bit inside."...but I'd love to borrow that outfit some time" he chuckles slightly and looks her up and down and focus on the down but which makes her uncomfortable. "Yeah you look pretty terrifying in that get up." He starts to come closer until his lips are almost on her ear and whispers "you know what would make the dress even better?" He smirks slightly and she knows what's about to hit her."...if it was on the floor of my bedroom.." He backs away slightly eating a sugar cube and goes to leave but turns himself about to talk again when she rolls her eyes ready for something else. "Oh I forgot to tell you something." He looks serious so she mentally sighs "I tried to send something sexy, but I couldn't fit in your mail box" he winks and she knows she played herself, he goes away and then when he is about 10 meters away she sighs and moves towards the horse but hears Finnicks gorgeous, sexy voice again. "There is something wrong with my bed." She rolls her eyes " I don't care about your bed." He smirks and then strolls off even further "what's wrong with your bed?!" She yells but he continues to stroll happy with  himself, while she repeats the question again but louder which her turns around looking around making sure there are a lot of people in the building while yelling back hoping to get everyone's attention. "...you're not in it!" He yells making everyone look to who it was for and she blushes luckily no one can see from her massive make up.
Peeta makes his way up to her in an identical outfit but different for the different genders, "ready?" He asks and clasps my hand in his while they step on to the chariot together. "Just remember don't let go because I will fall, and that won't look could while I am on flames as well,"the both share a chuckle as they ride of behind Seeder and Chaff's chariot. Once the chariot begins to come to an end and Katniss shares a look at Snow of full hatred as they both know this is to kill her.

Lucky Were Allies  a finniss love storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu