Chapter Seven

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The next time I opened my eyes, I found myself outside Astrid's front door. I winced as I stumbled to my feet, the pain only just bearable. I limped inside, going straight to Astrid's room.

I closed the door quietly behind me. Astrid mumbled but she didn't get up. I inhaled deeply, the pain pulling me away. My heart was burning. In fact, my whole body was.

I finally looked down at myself to see my shirt and jeans ripped in multiple places, my shoes gone, my bare feet covered in mud.

What happened last night?

Then I remembered ... I transformed into a monster ...

"Harry?" I looked up to see Astrid sat up in the bed. Her face went slack as soon as she saw me, her mouth slightly open.

Her body didn't move, the colour drained from her face as she stared wide - eyed at something I couldn't obviously see. Astrid has just frozen to a point that I could barely see that she was breathing, but as the shock begins to melt away, everything went to normal.

Astrid let out a sudden sigh and opened her mouth. She snapped it shut and gulped. Then, with a little more success, she managed to ask, "What happened to you?" It came out raspy, barely audible.

"I fell over ... " I muttered, clutching my stomach, doubling over in pain. Within seconds, Astrid was at my side, guiding me over to her bed.

"Not your clothes," Astrid said as I sat down slowly. "What happened to you?"

I gave a confused look. "What do you mean?"

She knelt in front of me so I didn't have to strain my neck to look up. "You, your body. You're taller. You look ... different."

"Impossible." I said. How can I be different to what I looked like the night before? Astrid grabbed my glasses and handed them to me. I gasped as I put them on.

My vision ... it was blurry. I took the glasses off. My vision was clear. I stared down at my hand. "Impossible." I repeated.

"Stand up." Astrid told me. I stood. I heard her gasp. I didn't see at first but then I realised I was looking down at her. "Remind me your height again?"

"Five foot seven," I said slowly.

"Yeah," Astrid said, "not anymore. You've grown four inches up."

"What?" I exclaimed. This can't be happening. First, I don't need my glasses and now I'm taller than Astrid?

"It's a good thing ... isn't it? You were always complaining that I was taller." She had a point ...

I turned and limped over to her mirror. I ripped my shirt off as my jaw dropped. My chest had been built up. I now had a broad, but slim frame. Was it my imagination, or could I see a faint, but well defined line of a six pack?

My neck had got a little wider, my jaw line now nice and defined. Astrid came up behind me. "Woah. Seriously Harry, what did you do?"

My jaw clenched. "I told you, I fell over!" OK, what just happened?

"You're lying," Astrid snapped.

"So? What if I am? I don't need to tell you everything." I ran my hands through my hair, stumbling back over to the bed.

"You used to," Astrid grumbled.

I spun, my face flushed. "Yeah, I did. But now I don't. We're not friends anymore, are we? You left me and Flynn for my stupid ass cousin and the Twins."

"You said you forgave me!"

"Well," I snapped, "maybe I don't. You treated us like shit."

Astrid glared at me, storming closer. "I apologised and you forgave me!" She shouted.

"I WAS LYING!" I yelled. That shut her up. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm leaving."

"Fine!" Astrid hissed. "I didn't want you here anyway!"

"Good to know," I snarled, grabbing my bag and shoving my destroyed clothes into it. I didn't bother putting on a new shirt. I just stormed out Astrid's room, just in my jeans.

I bumped into Ryan on my way downstairs. He said something but I ignored him, going past in silence.

I reached the front door. I hesitated. I looked over my shoulder to see Astrid at the top of the stairs, watching me.

Should I go back? No, I needed time to cool off. Whatever happened up there, I did not want to happen again. Instead of leaving the house, I entered the living room with gritted teeth.

I can't believe I shouted at her. I had no reason to. I shouldn't have lashed out like that. I feel terrible ...

I sat down, staring out the window. What felt like minutes which was actually a few hours, Astrid entered the room.

"Hey," she mumbled, setting herself next to me. I just nodded. "Look, I didn't mean what I said up there, I was just annoyed."

Yeah, at me ...

"No, no, don't apologise. It was me. It's my fault. I guess I was just angry with my father and took it out on you. I'm sorry." I couldn't even look at her, I was so embarrassed.

"Harry," Astrid sighed. She grabbed my face gently, forcing me to make eye contact. She didn't let go. "I know how you feel ... my parents weren't the best and you know that."

I leaned against her hand, grabbing her other in mine. "I - I know. I'm sorry you had to experience having terrible parents." Astrid's eyes turned glassy. "What's wrong?"

A tear leaked down her face as she launched herself at me, her arms crossed around my neck. She buried her head into my shoulder, sobbing.

I wrapped my arms around her fragile frame, rubbing her back slowly. I hated seeing her like this. I fell for her because she was so brave, so independent. I'm probably the only one who has seen her break down like this.

"Shh," I whispered, rocking her side to side. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere." Her grip tightened.

Ryan stalked into the room but immediately retreated as I glared at him. When I looked down at Astrid in my arms, I realised I forgot to put a shirt on. I didn't care.

Within a few minutes, Astrid mumbled, "I was so worried ... "

"Shh, I'm here. I'm here. Why were you worried?"

I was only gone a day.

"Dumb question." Astrid laughed slightly, looking up.

I stared at her. "Tell me," I pleaded, my arms still around her.

"Harry, you were gone for three days ..."

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