Chapter Eight

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The next day me and Astrid got the bus to school. People stared mostly at me as we left the vehicle. They gaped at me, whispering things like, "Who's that?" and "Is that Harry Haddock?"

I didn't understand why girls were gaping at me. Astrid told me that apprantley I was now 'hot'. Yeah, like that will ever happen.

As Astrid said, she and the Twins came to me and Flynn. Surprisingly we got on pretty well and the Twins felt guilty for how they treated me. But I waved it off. It didn't matter anymore, it was in the past.

Girls kept rushing over to me and kept asking me if I was single. I just ignored them and Astrid glared at anyone who got too close. I was glad she was there with me.

I only had one girl in my eyes and I have never stopped loving her. I never will.

At break, me, Astrid, Flynn and the Twins were sat at our regular table we claimed earlier in the day. Flynn and Ruff sat opposite Tuff, me and Astrid.

"Great," someone muttered. I turned to see nobody behind me. "Just great. Where am I going to sit?" I turned again and caught the sight of somebody shutting their mouth.

I recognised the person immediately. It was Heather. But how could I have heard her when she was at the opposite side of the cafeteria? Weird, really weird ...

Heather noticed me and smiled when I gestured her over. She too, was surprised with my change in appearance. Tuffnut scoffed and moved to sit next to Flynn.

Heather settled herself beside me. I gave her a quick side hug. "Guys," I said, "this is - "

"Heather." Astrid muttered. "Yeah, yeah, we know."

"Okay ... Heather you know Flynn. That's Ruffnut and Tuffnut." I pointed out.

"Hey guys!" She said cheerfully. Flynn and the Twins waved before they got into a conversation.

I turned to look at Heather. "How's it going? Is your mother doing OK?"

"Yeah, she's doing great. Me, not so well. I just need to get used to a different time table then I'll be fine."

Astrid snorted.

"Good good," I said, glancing at Astrid. "Show me your timetable." Heather dug through her bag and passed me a piece of paper. My eyes skimmed over it and I realised the only lesson we shared was physical education. We didn't have that till Friday.

I passed it back. "Heather, have you met Astrid?"

"No, I don't think so. Hi Astrid!" Astrid glanced sideways before staring back at her food.

I elbowed her. "Come on Astrid, don't be stubborn," I whispered.

"Fine!" She hissed. She looked up and smiled at Heather. "Hey."

Well, at least that's a start ...

"Anyway," Heather said. "My father hasn't come back yet. I think he's still on his trip."

"Why not call him?" I asked. Astrid coughed. I ignored her.

"I've tried,"Heather mumbled, bowing her head. "It's just - " She fell silent. I slung my arm around her shoulder.

"It's OK. He'll be back soon."

"Thanks Harry." Heather smiled as my arm retreated. Flynn coughed loudly. I looked at him and mouthed What?

Astrid he mouthed back. That was when I looked to my left to see Astrid was gone, including her bag.

I looked around until I saw her about to leave the cafeteria.

"I'll be right back Heather," was the last thing I said before I jumped out of my seat and sprinted over to Astrid.

I seized her wrist, pulling her away from the doors. "Astrid! Where - what are you doing?" I said quietly.

Astrid snatched her wrist back. "I'm leaving," she snapped.

"But why?" I asked, moving closer.

"Because I can," and she stormed past me, slamming the cafeteria doors shut. Everyone looked at me then.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, groaning before running after her. I stopped her again, this time grabbing her arms and holding her tightly.

"Astrid, seriously. What's wrong?" I moved into an empty classroom.

"You wouldn't understand," she muttered, struggling against my grip.

"Try me."

"Heather." She stated bluntly.

"What?" I asked bewildered.

"If you don't know the reason then I'm not going to explain it." My grip loosened slightly. Astrid took this as a chance and seized her arms back.

I stared at her. "Astrid ... do you and Heather know each other?"

"Yeah, we do."

"So how come you nor Heather told me?"

"Because it's what she did." Astrid slumped down onto the nearest chair.
"What did she do?" I demanded, rushing over to her side.

"It doesn't matter. I can't tell you ... not yet."

I left it at that because I knew I couldn't force it out of her. Astrid would tell me when she was ready. It didn't matter how long I would have to wait.

I dragged Astrid to her feet, wrapping her up in my arms. I gave her a quick squeeze as she returned the hug, letting go. The bell rang, stopping me from staring into her eyes.

Astrid smiled. I cleared my throat. "Should we go?" I asked nervously.

"Harry ... " Astrid punched my shoulder. I brought my hand up to rub the spot. "We have our next class in here."

"Oh ... " I went red, feeling embarrassed and numb. "Right ... "

Astrid snickered. "Dumbass," she mumbled.

And that was when I knew she'd be OK, for now ...

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