Chapter Seventeen

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We got to school quite early that morning, just me and Astrid. Ryan had to do something so we went in on our own. The halls were empty as we walked to the cafeteria. Mostly everyone was just outside or already in their classrooms.

Astrid stopped abruptly. I stared at her. "What's wrong?"

"We don't have any lessons today because we have PE all day," she said, her eyebrows furrowed. "We should get changed."

"OK." I smiled, holding my hand out. Astrid grabbed it with a grin, interlocking our fingers loosely. We walked straight and took a left turn, heading straight to the changing rooms. Astrid needed to go in the left door and I needed to go into the right.

Astrid turned to me, her hand on the door. "I'll see you in the hall?"

I winked. "Be quick." Astrid looked at the door and paused, spinning around to face me. She came over, looked up and kissed me. It was a short kiss but I smiled. "Go on," I mumbled, gently pushing her away, "go get changed."

She smiled, shutting the changing room's door behind her. I walked into the boys one and froze, the door clicking shut behind me. All the boys were gaping at me, especially Scott.

Tuffnut was the first to speak. "What happened to you bro?" He asked as he gestured me over. I clearly towered over him by a few inches. "Have you been working out or something?"

I merely ignored him, pulling off my shirt. Some boys gasped. I glanced down at myself and my eyes widened. My muscles were defined all over my body, including my abs. I swore I could see a faint outline of a six pack.

I looked at my arms to see them covered in muscles too. The veins in my forearms popped out as I clenched my fists. How did I not notice this change?

I grabbed my jaw and realised it had also been defined. Ignoring the boys stares, I grabbed my white t-shirt, pulling it over my chest. It clung to my body.

I took off my jeans, pulling on a pair of sweats, slipping my feet into my trainers. I slipped away from everyone else, reaching for the door. Hushed whispers made me pause. I listened carefully.

"He's still a runt," Scott hissed. "I could take him any day."

I spun around, chucking my bag to the side. "Come on then." I glared at Scott, smirking, taunting him deliberately. He didn't like it.

I wasn't expecting it but he threw a punch which landed against my cheek with a sickening thump. I stumbled, getting used to the pain.

I stood up straight. "Hit me again," I growled, "and I'll hit you back as twice as hard."

Scott threw out his clenched fist, nearly catching me against my jaw. I dodged out of the way, threw my fist out and punched him square in the eye.

The Coach came rushing in. "OI! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" He yelled, clearly pissed. I didn't care.

"He fucking started it!" I hissed, gesturing at the groaning Scott who stumbled as he stood.

"HADDOCK! JORGENSEN! IN THE SPORTS HALL, NOW! The rest of you hurry up!"

I stormed out the changing room, barging through the doors into the sports hall. I could feel the wolf pacing in my mind. I was doing the exact same thing. Shouting with rage, I punched the nearest wall with my uninjured hand. Now both my knuckles were split open but I didn't care.

Scott entered the hall, blinking his eyes, scowling at me. "Nice going Haddock."

"I didn't do anything," I spit, resisting the urge to go punch him again.

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