Chapter Twenty Four

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I'll have her, one way or another.
She's my mate Hiccup and I deserve her. You know exactly who I'm talking about. Have fun taking care of her.

I looked up at Ryan. 

"Shit." He mumbled.  "Are you okay?" Ryan asked nervously as he glanced at Astrid, his tone shaking from the recent incident. He exhaled as Astrid nodded slowly.

"Who do you think it is?" I questioned, my eyes taking in the damage to the hospital's window before me.

"I... I don't know," Ryan gasped, leaning again the door for support, breathing deeply. Regaining his composure, Ryan let out a deep and low snarl. "I don't really care who it is, I just want to find them." 

"Ryan ... " Astrid called weakly as he stormed out the room. 

I glanced at her. "Want me to go after him?" I said. Watching my girlfriend as defenceless as she was, broke my heart. I was so used to her being the competitive fearless girl that she had always been, the one who never gave up, no matter how hard it got.

Tiredly rubbing at her eye, Astrid murmured, "Just leave him."

"But I... I can help to calm him - "

"Just leave him." Astrid snapped, sending a glare my way.

Before I could muster a reply, the twins and Flynn burst into the room. As they swooned over Astrid, I reluctantly stepped back, holding my hands behind my back as I slumped against the wall. It gave me time to think. I thought about my life before I Changed, my life now, and most of all, whoever threw that rock at the window. I have a few assumptions but my main one is Jay.

"Ahh!" I jumped as Ruff squealed suddenly. 

Astrid sent me a look. Don't ask.

I grinned. I wouldn't dare.

She clicked her tongue, shaking her head in amusement.

"Would you just shut up?" Tuff complained. "I can't believe we shared a womb. God knows how Mom coped with it!" 

"I can't believe your face!" Ruff retorted. "It looks like it caught fire and someone tried to put it out with a hammer."

I groaned. "Guys, please... Astrid is trying to rest."

"Shh!" Astrid frantically waved her hand at me. "I wanna hear this." And she watched, intrigued. I sighed. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," Tuffnut replied dryly. "Was I meant to be offended by that?" His voice dripped sarcasm. "The only thing offending me is your face."

"I don't know what makes you so stupid," Ruffnut mused, "but it really works." 

"Well thank you," Tuffnut said, swinging his arm around his chest as he bowed dramatically.

"Guys!" I broke in.

"What?" The twins shouted. 

"Shut up. The both of you." They opened their mouths, snapping them shut when I let out a low growl. 

"Calm down," Tuff muttered.

"Yeah," Ruff agreed, "don't need to get your knickers in a twist."

"I don't wear - " I stopped, putting my hands up in defence. "You know what? Never mind."

"Got him," Tuff snickered, secretly high-fiving his sister.

Groaning (again), I pushed myself off the wall and settled myself next to Astrid. "You okay?" I whispered in her ear.

"I... I think so," Astrid nodded. "I should be."


Astrid rested her head on my chest and looked up into my eyes. "Because I know you'll always be there to protect me." 

I couldn't stop the heat rising up in my cheeks. "Ooooooooh, lookie here!" Tuff jeered. "The Hiccup Hipster is blushing!"

I glared at him, not realising that my cheeks were still hot. "I swear if you call me that again, you won't be able to talk for a month." I grinned regardless. I wasn't serious of course, he knew that. Unless ... I lost control. Nah, that would never happen and even if it did, I'd have enough strength to direct myself away from my family. Hopefully anyway. 

Then Flynn asked what happened to the window. Me and Astrid explained what happened taking it in turns. Ten minutes later we were casually talking about things while a couple of nurses cleared the floor. I offered to help and during that time, I couldn't stop thinking about Jay, and why he was so obsessed with Astrid.

"Harry!" Astrid gasped suddenly.

I shot up, dropping a bag full of glass on the floor. "What is it?" I demanded, grabbing her arm gently. 

Astrid winced. "I think it's Jay. He's trying to reach me."

"Don't let him," I hissed.

Astrid stared at me. "What do you think I'm trying to do?" She winced again, staying silent for a few minutes. "I think he's gone," she finally said. 

"For now anyway..." I mumbled. Staring at the twins and Flynn, I gestured to the door. "Mind giving us a few minutes?"

Flynn nodded. "Come on guys." He dragged the twins out by their collars, ignoring their protests and then the door shut softly behind them.

I sat reluctantly on the edge of the bed. Smiling, I patted Astrid's leg, looking up at her slowly. She was leaning back, her head buried deep in the pillow. It was getting dark out and I figured Astrid would want to rest, so, I stand up rather reluctantly and bend down to kiss her forehead. "Love you," I mumbled, cupping her cheek gently before turning to leave.

"Stay ... " she muttered. She scooted sideways, giving me room to lie beside her and that's exactly what I did. I lay on my side, grinning like an idiot. Astrid glanced at me and snorted out a laugh. "You know ... I haven't had the chance to kiss you yet."

"Well would you like to?" I asked, still grinning.

Grabbing a fistful of my shirt, Astrid pulled me down, our lips meeting gently. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer, the kiss hard yet soft. It felt new, even though we've kissed before, it felt like our first. It felt as if all eyes in the world were on us, yet, we didn't give a single care.

Hands cupping my neck, Astrid broke the kiss, pressing her forehead to mine. "I can never ever get enough of that," she breathed.

I laughed a breathy laugh. "It's good I'm such an amazing kisser," I whispered, pecking her lips.

"Can't argue with that," Astrid whispered back. "Love you babe."

"Love you too Asty." I lay back, entwining our fingers together. "Get some rest, you need it."

"Don't stay up," she yawned. 

"I'm not." I smiled. "Goodnight Astrid."

But at that point, she was already asleep. 

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