Part 7

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Loretta stands there in the cold to wait for the inevitable, but her mother doesn't come.

Brenda Gail catches sight of her and the kids, tilts her head to the side and frowns. "Who are they?"

"Who are they?" Ted repeats with a note of sadness. "That's your sister. That's Loretta. And Betty Sue, Jack, Ernest and Cissie."

"The one who is married to that no good-"

"Yes." Ted glances over toward the door. Upon realizing that his wife wasn't about to burst out of it, he nudges Brenda toward Loretta, "Go say hi. I need to talk to Mommy real quick."

Brenda is wearing a too big sweater with the sleeves rolled back along with a skirt that is too short and gray tights. Loretta doesn't notice her boots until Ernest pulls on her sleeve and asks, "Why is that girl wearing rain boots?"

"Cause I want to," Brenda says.

"I want rain boots," Cissie decides. "Mommy, can I get sum?"

"You have rain boots," Loretta reminds her. At least she did, but they didn't take them along. They wouldn't see those boots again.

Brenda keeps on looking at Loretta, as if she is memorizing her. "Do I call you Miss Loretta?" she asks.

"No," Loretta says. "No, honey, I'm your sister. You just call me Loretta like you do your other sisters."

Brenda frowns. "Their name's not Loretta."

"Loretta!" Ernest giggles beside her, only to rile her up.

Loretta chooses not to respond but the rest of the children laugh. She doesn't know if her daddy wants them to stand here until he comes for them or if it's alright for them to approach the house now. It is getting cold, her uncovered legs are freezing and Cissie's little hand, which is clutching at a few of Loretta's fingers, is ice cold. Besides that, she is becoming more agitated with every moment that passes and just wants to get the confrontation with her mother done and over with.

Loretta looks at her kids. Their faces don't show any comprehension of the never ending difficulties of life. But they are getting impatient, sick of standing out here with their luggage and nothing to do.

The front door opens and her father's figure appears, waving them over silently. Brenda skips ahead without a care in the world, throwing herself into Ted's arms when she reaches him.

Loretta pushes past their forms in the doorway and sure enough, there stands her mother, whose face is contorted in shock.

"Well, I'll be. He really left you."

"Yes, Mommy." There's nothing else she can say about it.

"Now what are we gonna do with you?" Clara demands.

The rest of the children are beginning to notice the commotion. Betty Ruth walks over to Brenda and asks her what is going on, but not before hugging her father. Peggy Sue and Donald Ray stand a bit further away, neither looking like the young children Loretta always pictures.

"Hi Loretty." Donald laughs, but it's not amusing as far as Loretta is concerned.

"Howdy, Donald Ray. Peggy Sue. You sure done got big."

"You didn't," Donald quips.

"Donald, Peggy Sue." Clara turns to her children. "Take Brenda Gail, Betty Ruth and Loretta's young'uns back to your rooms."

The teenagers waste no time stepping forward. Loretta nudges her children toward them. Donald grabs Brenda by the hand to drag her away. When they are halfway out of the room, Loretta looks back at her mother. 

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