Chapter 1

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"Finally!" I said after I left the airport and placed my bag down. "It's been ummm... 10 years huh? I miss Japan." I smiled jolly as I walked my way to my family house.

I've been traveling with my family ever since I was a kid. For 10 whole years I lived at different countries and never visited nor went back to Japan. I missed Japan my whole 10 years and I promised my foster parents that when I am at the age of 14, I could go back to Japan and live alone. Yes, I am an adopted child by the (Last name) family. I love them so much but I don't wanna bother my foster family any longer since, they already have a child. So I told them at the age of 14 I will live alone in Japan. At first they didn't like the idea but in the end, they agreed to it. I was happy and lonely at the same time but I just want what's best for them and I think this is the best I could do to keep their family whole and to make my half-brother happy.

Minutes after, I was at my foster family's old house. It's the same as ever. A little bit dusty but I can manage to clean all this. I rolled up my sleeves, got my bags and went inside the house.

"Haha!" I laughed, "It's the same as how we left it." I went to my room and place down my things.

Alright! Time to clean this dusty old house of mine! I went down and got the old cleaning equipment, of course I cleaned the equipment then I started cleaning the house. Hours later, to be more exact, 2:30 am in the morning, I finished everything and went to bed. As I was lying down, I reminisce my old day when I was 4. I don't remember everything but for some good reason I was lucky that I was given this. I might not know my true family, but I kinda feel lucky to have met my foster parents. Immediately as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

Suddenly, I felt like I was flying in mid air. Like the sky is telling me to fly to my destiny. From floating, the feeling of flying turned into floating, floating on water. When the journey ended, I slowly opened my eyes. My vision at first was blurry and I heard voices.

"Well you all were called here because I have a person I want you all to know and this person needs to know you as well." a high pitched little kid voice said.

"What?" another person said.

"Yusuke! Calm down." the kid tone voice said.

"Umm Koenma, it's a bit weird to bring a sleeping person more importantly a girl here." another person with a girly voice said.

My vision was clear and I saw a high white ceiling and as I looked at my left, I saw 6 people in the room I am at. Who are these people? Why am I here? This isn't my house nor is it my room. I slowly sat up and everyone turned around and saw me. 

"Oh! You're awake I see." a little kid said, jumping out of his chair and went towards me. "Alright guys, this is, (Full name). She will be your teammate for now on" He introduced me.

"EHHHHH?!" everyone including me shouted, shocked.

"(Name) I know this is surprising for you but you have great spirit energy within you and not only tha-!" the kid continued speaking until the guy with black hair and wearing a green school uniform interrupted him.


"I agree with Urameshi!" a guy with red afro-ish hair said.

"Heh, she's just gonna slow us down." the short guy said.

"QUIET!" the kid shouted, silencing them. "Ahem!" he cleared his throat, "As I was saying, she has great potential. I wouldn't have brought her here if I didn't investigate. Who do you think I am?"

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