Chapter 8

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It's been a week since the tournament ended. Everyone went back to their normal lives and apparently (Name)'s school is the same as Kurama. Coincidently they too are at the same classroom. Even at a span of a week, she gained new friends, but she usually hangs-out with Kurama. Hiei at the other hand watches over (Name) without her realizing his presence. All he does was watch over her, of course Kurama knows that but helps Hiei.

Just after school ended, (Name) and her friends met outside the school building. As asked by her friends, she brought Kurama along as well. While on their way home, the girls were squealing and asking Kurama question while leaving (Name) silent. No one talked to her and no one even made eye contact. All she did was walked along side with them. They went to a little cafe just to have a quick break and again all the girls were talking to Kurama and Kurama was replying to them.

"Hey umm, (Name)" one of her friends called her.

(Name)'s face lightened up as she was being called since it's the first time in a while she was called to, "Yeah?"

"Remember we need to bring something for our Home-Economics class?" Her friend said, "Can you buy it for us? We will pay you tomorrow."


"Please?" her friends begged in synced.

"O-okay...?" she bowed and took her leave, wondering.

(Name), as she was buying the ingredients, she felt that things were going the wrong way. That this isn't suppose to happen but, in the end, she shook her heard and picked up the ingredients and said.

"I am just overthinking things. Maybe they don't have the time haha!" she laughed it all out.


"I'm just overthinking things. Maybe they don't have the time haha!" I laughed as I got the ingredients for me and my friends.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me slightly, enough to make me turn and see who pulled me.

When I looked at the person, it was, Kurama. My eyes widened a bit, shocked that he went to me. He then stopped for a while and took a little breather, and after, looked at me, a bit tired as if he ran all the way.

"Why are you here?" I asked, wondering.

"Well..." He gave a sigh, "I just thought you needed company."

My eyes sparkled at bit and a little blush went across my face. "W-why?" I asked, "what about the others?" I continued.

"I do not like women who use their own 'Friend'" Kurama emphasized, "and take advantage of the situation."


Kurama smirked a bit, sighing as he shook his head, "they were using you. Anyway just get the thing you need!"

Kurama grabbed my hand where I held the basket and brought me to the cashier to pay. While he was doing that, all I did was look at him and wondering why he's doing this and why I feel funny in a way. When I looked at him, he looked at me and smiled. I looked down, showing only the down part of my face. Kurama looked worried and went closer to it.

"Are you o-!" He was about to ask but I hit the top part of his head with my fist,

"Why did you do that for me? Why me? Don't you care about how others will think of you? I don't wanna burden you...!!! I just want you happy!!!" I screamed at him, sad and pouting.


After (Name) did that, Kurama was speechless, touching the part where she hit him. As he looked at her face, and heard her speech, he felt something inside of him, but he ignored it.

"sorry..." Kurama apologized looking away.

(Name) looked at Kurama again and realized what she's done, "I-I'm so sorry!" She bowed numerous times. "I didn't mean to... I mean, you just.. Friends... Going to me... Groceries... HomeEconomics..." She was getting confused of what to say. "UGH!" She busted and slapped her cheek.

Everyone looked at her as she did that and wondered why she was acting that way, not only that Kurama was shocked at what she did and tried to reach out towards her face but then stopped as (Name) looked up again.

She took one more deep breath before speaking, "I didn't mean to hit you. I knew I was being used and I didn't wanna accept it... Thank you for telling me and making me realize it. But I really didn't want to be a burden to you. I don't want to be the reason why everyone's going to make fun of you..." She bowed, "I am so sorry... Please, stay away from me..."

Kurama was shocked at her short speech but suddenly, he started laughing. (Name) looked at him and asked why he was laughing but Kurama couldn't reply because of the actions (Name) did.

"He-hey!" She flustered. "Why are you laughing!" She asked again.

"O-o-okay.. Hahahaha wa-wait hahaha it's just... Hahahaha... You're actions.. Hahaha!" Kurama tried to answer by holding his laughter but can't.

"Actions?" She repeated as she was remembering what she did.

As she remembered her actions, her face turned brighter red and she walked away, going home. Kurama followed her, even if she didn't want to, he still did. A few minutes after, she looked at Kurama again.

"Why...?" (Name) asked once more.

Kurama sighed and cooled down, "You will never be a burden ok (Name). Honestly, from all those girls, I'd rather hangout with you."

"Why?" She asked again, sad.

"Hey smile! It will look like I did something wrong to you."

"I-I just can't help it. Sorry!"

"haha.. To answer your question, the reason why is because... you're one of my most precious friend (Name)" Kurama replied as he place his hand towards her cheek.

His eyes widened only after a few seconds he realized what he was doing and before he could let go, something happened. Something that should not have happened and something that will cause problems.

It was (Name) giving a thankful, gentle, beautiful and angelic smile to Kurama.

"Thank you." She said, and turned around going towards her house, "Thanks for the help Kurama! See you at school tomorrow!" And she left.

Kurama was still frozen on the spot. His face suddenly turned bright strawberry red and his heart was kinda going crazy. He then stood up straight, looked down and place his hand on his face trying to calm down.

"Ohh no.." Kurama mumbled as he turned and walked home. "This is going to be a problem..." His face was still bright red. "Not only me but also... Hiei.. What do I do now... It won't stop..." He said to himself.

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