No! Not You Too Rocky! Laura? What did you do?

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Zendaya's POV

Im at the shake it up studio with Ross,Rocky,and Bella.

"Hey. Im gonna go to the bathroom" Rocky says

"Kk, its right past my dressing room by the clothes room." I point out

"Thanks." Rocky says with a smile.

"No prob." I say back and turn to Bella and Ross.

"So Ross, this is the studio, wait where is Laura,Rani,and Calum? Where doing a Shake It Up Austin and Ally crossover. Where Austin falls for Rocky and has to get her to go out with him." I say. ((A/N: I CAN DO A STORY ON THAT IF YOU GUYS WANT ILL ASK SOME PEOPLE:))

"I think they are-" Ross turns to the door then proceeds "Right here" He says.

"Hey guys, Long time no see." Me and Bella say giving our hug.

"I didn't get a hug" Ross said frowning

"I have something better than a hug." I say. I kiss him and hand him a plate of chocolate chip pancakes

"Yay! Love you Daya!" He kisses me on the cheek.

"Love you too." I say back. I go on my tippy toes and kiss him on the cheek. We both smile

"Awwwwwwww"  I hear Laura and Raini

"I know" Ross says. I playfully roll my eyes and give him a slight push.

"Hey babe" Someone says then covers my eyes with thier hands.

"Ross?" I ask then Ross pushes the guy off me. I turn.

"ROCKY?!" I screamed

"Yes it is me baby," Rocky says smirking

"Um NO! Im dating Ross." I say back

"Um Ross likes Laura" Rocky says. I turn to Ross.

"You do?" I ask

"You do?!" Laura says

"I DONT!" Ross yells

"Good," I turn back to Rocky and he smiled.

"So our date today." Rocky says

"Obsessed much?? I dont like you, and never will. Think about it. Even if I have to drill it in your tiny, empty brain I WILL NEVER EVER EVER DATE YOU! EVER!!" I say to Rocky. He just puckered his lips and got closer.

"ROSS!" I scream. He turns to me and slaps Rocky across the face.

"Ouch!" Rocky says rubbing his cheek.

"Oh you'll be fine. Get over it. AND BACK OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!" Ross says

"Yeah back off" Laura adds.

"What?" We all ask

"Um. um hum. hmmmmm. I like Ross." Laura says and smiles

"Gross! No way!" Ross and I say at the same time.

" Is this gross?" Laura asks then walk up to Ross and kisses him. Raini pulls her off.

"I WILL INIALATE YOU LAURA!" I say running up to her. Ross Grabs me by the stomach. And lifts me a half of a foot from the ground. I keep kicking and punching.

"Let go of me Ross!" I say

"No! You cant go around beating people up all day!" Ross says back

"Yeah I can! WAIT!" I say

"What?!" Ross asks. I finally make my way back to the floor. I turn to Ross.

"Do you actually like Laura?" I ask him

((:A/N: What will Ross say? Does he like Laura? Will Rendaya end? Should I do a Shake It Up and Austin and Ally crossover? All good questions. Answer what YOU think/feel:))

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