Wild Heart

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~At The Mall~

Bella's POV

"Hey thanks, Z" I thank her for being there for me, instead of her bf

"No problem Bella you are amazing!" Z said

"I think I like Roshon" I blurt out

"Are you sure?"Z starts. Her phone starts to ring "Is it okay if I-" Z starts

"It's okay" I smile and we walk in forever 21

Zendaya's POV

~Phone Call With Ross~

Z:Hey babe


Z:What's up?

R:Looks like Im coming to the mall

Z:Oh really? How far are ya?

R:Look behind you.

~End of Phone Conversation~

I turn and see Ross, Rydel, Rocky, Riker, Ryland and Ratliff. When I turned I saw Rocky, Riker and Ratliff were all looking at my butt. I hug Ross. He hugs back.

"You guys are back!!" I say

"Hey everyone!" I say and smile. Riker, Rocky, and Ratliff gave me a "hey sexy wanna have sex tonight" look I gave them a weird look

"Hey" they all say back

"Well...Come on, Bella and I were just about to go in forever 21." I say and start walking. I felt someone pull me back by the waist. Who is it everyone else is already in the store. I turn around.

"TREVOR!?" I scream

"Yeah babe" He pulls me by the waist closer to him, I try to move but he's too strong.

"ROSS!" I scream. Ross comes and Trevor punches him.

"Oh my gosh Ross!" I look at Ross "Let go of me!" I demand looking at Trevor

"NO!" He says. Now everyone (R5 and Bella) Were starring at us.

"LET GO OF HER!" Ross yells but can't get up


"FINE! BE THAT WAY!" I shout. I lift my foot up and knee him in the balls. He lets go. Falling to the floor. I slap him across his face. Then focus my attention to Ross.

"Are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah, but my head kind of hurt from when I hit the floor but Im good." He says. I help him up

"Well lets continue shopping!" Bella, Rydel and I all say

~After everyone shops~

Ross' POV

"Hey look there's Mia and Laura!" Bella points out. I grabbed Zendaya's hand. She smiled at me and I winked at her, as we started to walk to them.

"Hey!" Laura and Maia say

"Haiii" We all say. They give Zendaya a dirty look.

"May I help you bitch?" Zendaya asks looking at them

"Yeah, why are you with my man?" They ask

"Ya know what? If he was yours, he would say that but sorry boo he's mine! So back off!" Zendaya says than smiles. I kiss her on the cheek.

"Okay." Maia says then looks at Laura. Laura smirks. Walks up Zendaya and punches her. Zendaya fell on the floor. While Laura did that Mia came up to me and kissed me. I looked at Zendaya and saw a tear. She got up. Pulled Laura's hair dragging her to Mia, pulled Maia's hair and wouldn't let them go.

"Someone take out your camera!" Zendaya says smirking. We all take out our phones. She presses Maia and Laura's lips together and we take pics. After she punches them in the face and says

"Still wanna mess with me. I dont play when it comes to Family, Friends, and People I Care About." Zendaya says

"NO! WE ARE VERY VERY SORRY!" They blurt out running

"GOOD HAVE A TERRIBLE DAY BOO!" Zendaya yells. Then turns to us.

"Good one Z!" We all say sending our pics online.

"I know. I know" Zendaya says

"Lets go home its almost night" I say

"Yeah!" They all respond

((A/N:Hai everyone. I know this is short but...I will make a new chapter of what happens later that night. I love all you little potato's. Dont forget to READ, VOTE and COMMENT!!! Byeeee))

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