Can You Feel It

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((A/N: This chapter is going to be how you say.....SEXY /.\ This was so hard to write.Imma keep it real and say PENIS and VAGINA instead of hot dog and stuff.))

Zendaya POV

"Ready?" Ross asked

"Yeah" I reply

"Perfect" Ross says. He turns around so his back is facing me.He pulls down his pants and stuff. Put on the condom(Yader yader yader). He turns back around

"What the hell?!" I say

"What?" He asks

"Where do you think that is going?!"

"What?" He asks

"Your penis?"

"Uh...Duh, in you vagina that's how sex works..." Ross says

"That is not going in my Vagina. And why is it holding in place?"

"Its called a boner! And hey you wanted it," He says smirking


(If your old enough you know how sex works so Im NOT going into detail (/.\) )

After, we fall asleep.


Ross' POV

Zendaya actually had sex with me!? She wakes up.

"How did I do?" Zendaya asks. I think she's taking about last night..

"Perfect!" I reply making her giggle.

"Where to today" Zendaya asks

"Disney!" I reply. Getting up from the bed, she got up too. We wrapped ourself in towels

"Your taking me to Disney!!!?" Zendaya asks

"Yeah, but on Saturday!" She looks so happy "So we gotta pack. Staying in a condo for 1 week!" I say

"Eeeep! Ross I love you sooo much!" Zendaya says

"If you love me so much you'd take a shower with me and we wash each others hair. " I say smirking

"Whatever! Come on" Zendaya replies. After that we dried up did each other hair.

"Ross you're amazing at doing hair." Zendaya says looking in the mirror than me.

"Thanks. Your perfect at every thing," I say. Earning a kiss.

"Hey I'm gonna go to the mall with Bella, after the whole break up she needs some girl talk" Zendaya say

"Okay you have fun! Send pics so I can see how sexy you look in clothes," I say smiling

"Oh shut up" Zendaya giggles and gives me a slight push

Zendaya's POV

I love Ross soo much. I say one say good bye and a kiss then I grab my car keys and head off to Bella's place

((A/N: Again I'm sorry this chapter is short. My laptop is being a dick. Also I am going to make a chapter of them at the mall. In the photo I have on the right Ross looks like "DAMN!!!" Anyway READ, VOTE, AND COMMENT. Love all of you sexy people! Byeee cx ))

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