I dont know Ross..... Hey Ryland

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Ross' POV

Zendaya fell asleep so I carried her to my room and layed her on my bed.


"AHHHHHH!" I hear Zendaya yelp. She reaches for her phone and turns off the alarm.

"Did I wake you babe?" Zendaya asks and then kisses me on the cheek.

"Sort of, but its okay babe" I say and turn my head so were are kissing. The kissing turns into making out. After 10 minutes Zendaya breaks the kiss

"Wait Ross..." Zendaya says looking scared

"What? Do I have bad breath?" I ask and check my breath

"Well it smells like ice cream.."She says smiling I smile too "Did we have sex last night" She asks looking worried

"Babe no! Did you want to?" I ask then smirk

"I dont know." Zendaya says

"We could use protecion..."I offer an idea

"Um... okay but when and where" Zendaya asks

"Tonight my house, everyone is going to Florida, not me.." I say

"Okay. Im gonna go get ready." Zendaya says

"Wanna go to the mall then the the beach?" I ask

"Sure babe" Zendaya say and sits on my lap.

"What do you want for christmas?" I ask her. she laughs

"Santa all I want is the sexiest talented guy ever!" Zendaya says smiling

"And who is that?"  I ask

"Duhh! Ross Lynch." She says rolling her eye

"Hey thats me!" I say

"Well in that case.." Zendaya says. We start to make out.

"Hey Ross-" Ryland burst in. Zendaya jumps and falls down on her butt. "Oh sorry" he finishes

"Ouch" Zendaya says. I pick her up bridal style and lay her on my bed.

"Its all good," I reply

"Easy for you to say. You didn't fall on your butt!" Zendaya says

"Um.. Well everyone is leaaving for Florida now. Im staying because I'll be with Savanna" He says

"Okay. Come on babe lets go say our good byes." I say to Zendaya.

"Okay." Zendaya replies. We run down the stairs and say our good byes. And they left.

"So..... Ryland...." Zendaya says

"Hey, I think I like you, but Im in a committed relationship with my girlfriend so.." Ryland say

"Um-" Zendaya laughs "Okay?" She say

"Well lets get a move on it babe," I say grabbing the car keys.

"Kk" Zendaya replies.

Zendaya's POV

We got to the mall. Ross parked the car. And we hoped out. He holds my hand and we entwine fingers. First we went to one of my stores, Victoria Secret..

"Dont you have enough bras and-" Ross stops and giggles "Panties" he asks still giggling.

"Well guess you dont want to see me in only these yellow ones tonight right?" I ask smirking

"Well I guess you can never have too much right!?" He says, starting to drool.

"Ross, your drooling." I say

"Oh." He stops himself. So I ended up buy a yellow lace bra and pantie for tonight. Then we went to Ross' store.

Ross' POV

Finally my store, Tilly's! Woohoo.

"Babe we should get something matching," Zendaya says

"Sure, whatever you want my princess." I reply. We buy muscle tee's. Zendaya says "he's mine" and mine says "she's mine" we really like em'. So we went and on our way to the beach we got some MC Donalds. Zendaya started to feed me the fries. When we got to the beach we walked. I tought her how to surf, we rented bikes and rode them, and we signed some things for fans and took pics.It was night time now

"Babe Im getting tired, we should make our way back now." Zendaya says

"Okay." I grabbed her hand and we ran to the car together. When we got home we ran to my room.

"First we have to get in the mood and make out." Zendaya say

"Okie dokey" I say smiling. We locked the door and turned the lights off. We started to make out.

"I CRASHED MY CAR INTO THE BRIDGE. I DONT CARE! I LOVE IT! I DONT CARE! I LOVE IT!" Zendaya's phone rang. She ignored it.

"CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT" My phone rang after. We ignored it.

"Okay Ross Im gonna go change. Get all sexied up" Zendaya says and walks in the bathroom(Sort of in my room) After 5 minutes Zendaya comes out in only the bra and pantie.

"Damn!!!You look so sexy!" I started to drool.

"I know" Zendaya says and makes her way to the bed(If you guys are wondering how Ross can see her in the dark. The TV is on but on mute.)

"Ready?" I ask

"Yeah" Zendaya replies

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