No Way! Ratliff Kinda Close There!

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Ross' POV

"Look Laura I dont like you and never will. That kiss was painful, I hated it! Im sorry but not interested!" I say to Laura

"Yeah! BACK OFF MY MAN!" Zendaya says getting all up in her face. I could see Laura was pissed.

"Zendaya dont." I say

"I wouldn't waste my time on this." Zendaya says still in her face. Then bam! Laura slapped Zendaya.

"Zendaya are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah but Laura wont be." She says, then she slaps Laura 5times harder. Sending Laura to the floor. Zendaya turned and started walking to me then Laura pulled her leg from behind and Zendaya fell flat on her face.

"Zendaya!!" I scream like a girl. Laura start kicking Zendaya. And stops. She walks towards me.

"Laura turn around" I said as I moved to the side. She turned. And Zendaya speared Laura. (If you dont know what a spear is watch the video to the right c: )

"How you feel?" Zendaya asks Laura smirking

"Ugh....Ouch" Laura replies

"Yeah I know." Zendaya says. She walks to me. We make out for about a minute

"You okay babe? Or are you hurt?" I ask Zendaya.

"Im good my nose just hurts a little, thanks babe" Zendaya explains

"Raini, Calum, Help. Now!" Laura says

"No," Raini replies

"What?" Laura asks

"You heard me! NO! You treat me and Calum and Zendaya like trash. Fight your own battles Im glad you got beat up!" Raini says shocking us.

"Well guess we should all head home." Ross says

"Okay" everone says

"Can I come over Ross?" Zendaya asked

"Of course dear!" I say smiling

"Thanks" She said going on the tippy toes and kisses me for a sec.

We got home and I raced Zendaya to my room. Zendaya won.

"I let you win" I say

"Sure Ross" She says.

"What do you want to do now?"  I ask Zendaya

"I have an idea" She said. She turned closed the door and locked it. She turned the light off and used the flash light on her phone to locate me. She laid down on the bed. I lay on my back next to her.

"Is it sexy time?" I ask her wispering

"No its makeout time!" She replies wispering

She rolls on me and starts kissing me I kiss back. I put my hands on her butt. The kiss gets deeper and deeper. After 10 minutes I roll over on her keeping my kiss but slipping my tounge in to attack hers. After another 10 minutes she rolls back on me.

"HEY LET ME IN DUDE!" We hear ratliff yells banging on the door. Just when I was gonna get a little more sexy with her

"One sec!" I say. I turn on the lights and open the door.

"Oh sorry did I interupt something?" Ratliff asks looking guilty

"Um......Nope its all good" Zendaya and I say.

Ratliffs POV

Zendaya is so hot! I just wanna ugh! Anyway..

"Hey I'll be right back!" Ross says and walks to the bathroom.

"Zendaya....." I say

"Yea Ratliff" Zendaya says and smiles she turns me on.

"Um well let me show you" I say

"Um okay?" Zendaya says sounding unsure. I hold her against the wall and start kissing her neck. I squeeze her butt.

"OW! RATLIFF STOP!!! GET OFF!!!!!" Zendaya screams

"RATLIFF! GET OFF HER!" I hear Ross yell. Than he tackles me.

"You okay babe?" Ross askes

"Yeah I think," Zendaya says looking scared

"OUT RATLIFF!!!" Ross yells. I run out.

Ross' POV

"Can I sleep over?" Zendaya asks me

"Sure" I say

"Thanks" She says back


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