Come and Get It

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~Late At Night~

Ross' POV

Zendaya is sleeping over again! We got to my room. I locked the door. Im feeling lucky tonight! I push Zendaya on the bed.

"Ross....." She says smirking

"What?!" I say smiling

"We are not alone!" She says

"Yeah, but my parents arent here" I say getting on her

"Okay!" She says and smiles

Ryland's POV

~In his room and hears them talking~

What are they doing. Oh! I have a little hole in my room so I can see what they are doing. I peek through the hole. I see then on the bed. They are naked.....

I see...oh my gosh.  They're having sex! I can hear Zendaya moaning. Ross is just like 'do you like it?' kinda face and she's like 'yes, I love it' kinda face

Zendaya's POV

So what?! Yeah Ross and I are having sex. So? We did it before.

"Ross!" I say ask he goes faster

"This is what you get when you just too sexy!" He replies

Ryland's POV

I can hear Daya moaning. No fair Ross can have sex with his girlfriend but I can't, she doesn't think its her time. Bella walks in.

"Savanna's not here right now..." I say

"I know, she ask me to come and do everything she does.." Bella say

"Well there's not much-" I stop and think about what Daya and Ross are doing "But she always has sex with me" I say

" does she use protection" Bella asks


"Oh well okay." She says taking off her clothes in my closet. I take one more peek of Ross and Daya, it looks like he's raping her but she wants it?! Well he's going pretty hard.

"What are you lookig at?" Bella ask walking to me

"See for yourself." Bella looks through the hole

"Oh my gosh Daya and Ross!" She says


"Yeah!" She says

As soon as we start guess who walks in. Savannah

"ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?!"Savannah ask


"And what is that?" Savannah asks

"Look throught that hole." Bella says, Savannah looks through the  hole

"You two were having SEX they are wrestle each other  for M&Ms" Savannah explains

"Lemme have a look" I say and peek through. What the hell. They are done already?! They are fully clothed and wrestlig. So cute.

"Savannah I-" I start

"I forgive you fool!" Savannah says

"Your the best" I say and kiss her. Bella starts crying

"What's wrong?"


"Oh well thats too bad"Savannah says  then pushes her out.

Bella's POV

I think I like........

((A/N: Who does Bella like? Whats shakin bacon' (said in a French accent) my bff made this for me. I was really lazy. I got her to make this. Yes, Bella WILL get a new boyfriend in the next chapter. Well I think thats all. Dont forget to READ, VOTE, and COMMENT1 Love you potato heads! Byeeee

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