Baby On Board...Maybe

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Zendaya's POV

I woke up and saw Ross watching TV.

"Morning babe"

"Morning sugarplum" He says and turns and kisses me on the cheeck.

I feel like I've got the flu. I have a terrible stomach pain.

"Hey Ross do you have any medicanie for-" I started and ran to the bathroom. Ross ran after me. I puked everything out of my stomach. Ross was there rubing my back. After I looked at him scared. He looked the same.

"Ross do you think-" I started and puked again "Im pregnant?"

"I dont know, I'll call the doctor." He says

"Okay, Im really hungry" I say getting up. I got to the kitchen and get some pancakes

~After breakfast~

"Morning Zendaya" Rydel says

"Morning Rydel whats-" I start and run to the bathroom everyone follows. I start to puke Ross runs up to me and rubs my back. I turn back and they all are looking at me weird, except Ross.

"Are you?" Rydel starts and points at my stomach

"I dont know" I say and quickly turn around and puke again, Ross hands me water

"Thanks" I say and turn around to puke again but I dont "False alarm" I say and try to smile but cant. I start to look at Ross so he can say what happened


"Oh, well I got a little sexy last night with Daya" He says I look down at my feet. He does the same

"You cant have the baby if you are pregnant!" Rydel say

"WHY?" Ross and I ask shooting our heads up

"You cant raise one" Rydel expleains

"YES WE CAN" Ross and I argue

"Okay lets get you to the doctor then" Rydel says

~At The Doctor~

"So the test is finished, Zendaya the test was-" The doctor says

((A/N:Well sorry to leave you guys hanging like that. Do you want Daya to have a baby? Boy or Girl? Hope you guys like this chapter, dont have a song for it >.< Ill find a random song. I didnt get to prof-read this so...yeah. READ, VOTE, and COMMENT!!!! Byyyeee

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