He Comforts You When You Grieve

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This is at the prison. You had to put down your mom after she was bitten. Enjoy!!!


(Your pov)

You did it...you pulled the trigger...you didn't let her turn...everyone was watching.

You threw the gun on the ground and fell down on your knees crying. Rick pats your shoulder and the group walks away. All but Carl.

He puts his hand on your back and sits down next to you. You don't even ask your best friend if you could have a hug. He just does it.

You cried into his chest. After what felt like hours of crying, you stopped. They turned into soft hiccups.

Carl sat there quietly. "Thank you." You said softly. "For what?" He said confused. "For always being there for me." You say sitting up and looking him in the eyes. "Anytime, (y/n)." He said, standing up.

He held out his hand and you took it. He pulled you to your feet and said, "Come on. Dinner should be ready." You sigh and walk into the prison. He gets you both a plate of squirrel. You poked at it for a little while before eating.

When you were done you washed dishes. It was your moms job but she couldn't do it anymore. Carol comes up to you and says, "I can take over, sweetheart. You go get some sleep, okay?"  You nod your head and walk away.

You get to your cell and fall on the bed. You stare at the ceiling and sigh. You hear someone say, "Is the ceiling that interesting?" You smile and sit up to see Carl standing in the cell door way. "How long have you been standing there?" You asked. He chuckles and says, "A while. You okay?" You frown and say, "Well, I'm better now that you're here." His smile widens and he sits next to you.

He sets his hand on your knee. You put your hand on top of his. You wrap that hand around his and squeeze it.

His other hand comes up to your face. He cups your face and leans in. You lean in as well. Your lips meet.

You hear whistling and pull apart. You laugh when you see Rick and Daryl at the door. Daryl is leaning on the wall and Rick has his arms crossed.

Carl blushes and you laugh even harder. He pushes your arm playfully and you kiss his cheek.

"Why on tha cheek? Ya already swapped spit." Daryl says, smiling. You smile and say, "You're right." You turn Carl's head to look at you and peck his lips.

Daryl and Rick laugh as Carl's blush turned even darker. You smile and say, "What do you two want?" Their smile fades and Rick says, "We need to bury your mom." You frown and say, "I know. I'll do it...by myself." They nod their heads, understanding that you needed to.

(After digging for 2 hours)

"You need help?" Carl says from behind you. You shake your head 'no' and continue to dig the last of the grave. You hear him sigh and you lay the shovel down. You go and get your moms body.

(After burying her)

You lay down in your cell and think about what happened earlier. Carl kissed you. Wow. You hear a knock on your cell wall.

You look up and see Carl walking in. He doesn't hesitate, he just kisses you. When he pulled away he says, "I'm in love you, (y/n). I was wandering if you would like to be my girlfriend?"

You smile and say, "Yeah. I love you so much and you are still and always will be my best friend." He smiles and kisses you again. You both lay down and you fall asleep in his arms. (Edit from future me: bitch, your mom just died?!)



I hope you liked it. Comment and vote. Thanks for reading!

✌🏻️peace out my lovelies!

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