Chapter 1

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(Alright thank you guys so much for starting to read my first story. I appreciate it so much, hope you all enjoy it just watch out for possible spelling errors. Thanks! This first chapter you won't meet Trunks, but you will meet him in the next chapters.)

My 'family' hated me and I hated them back.....

My fake older sister has done nothing but got me in trouble and laugh about it. She was considered the better and prettier and smarter one. It irritates me everytime I hear her name spoken.

I was adopted, and no, my fake parents didn't do this because they cared about me. They said that they were expecting a btter child, and not a failure like me.

And they only kept me to make my life hell...

Damn it...I wish I knew who my real family is.

I have to find a way to get out of here. If I could find my real family this wouldn't be a problem. I have to think of another plan..

When I came home, I was greeted with a usual smack across my face. Except this time, I caught my sister's hand in mid air and started crushing her wrist out of anger.

"Hey, stop that, damn it!" She cursed at me. My grip only got stronger. It was like......I could kill her right here....

I finally let go and gave her a glare. She got the message and gladly returned a disgusting look.

Hours later we found out that my fake parents were dead. However, I felt nothing. When the police officers left I couldn't help but smile insanely.

They're dead....It's about time.

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