Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day and slammed right into the door and fell on the hard floor. "Ow...."

Oh yeah I was still at Capsule Corp.

Trunks rushed up to where I was,"Well, it's, uh, time for breakfast."

"Thanks, I'll be right down."

I didn't feel like getting up for anything but for food, food always comes first.

I went down to breakfast and Trunks asked who I was.

"Oh, my name is y/n."I said.

"What a beautiful name, don't you think Trunks?" Bulma asked.

He blushed a little bit, "M-Mother!" We both started laughing a bit.

Afterwards I was training in 20 times earth's gravity.

Since that monster came and destroyed my town, he is unknowingly strong, and I have to prepare for when he will be back.

Later in the afternoon, Trunks told me that I should take a small break to get to know the Z Gang and I agreed.

I was wearing jeans, a purple t shirt, and a black jacket.

"Well, this is Goku" Trunks pointed to a tall man who had an orange and blue uniform on.

"Your ki is really strong!" Goku said. "Can I help you train?"


Then Goku went to an open field and I followed him.

That's when he turned super saiyan.


I could feel his power rising very quick. I didn't have any expression on my face because I won't let him see my fear.

I threw many kicks and punches at him as hard and fast as I could. Not one hit. I couldn't lay a single hit on him.

Goku finally got out of defense and kicked me in the gut.

"I left myself open and thats why I got kicked so easily." I murmured to myself quietly, "Dammit. I left myself open too often."

I was probably going to beat up myself for doing that.

I threw faster punches at Goku but then he flew up and I tried to go after him but I didn't know how to fly.

"Dammit." I mumbled to myself again, "Now I can be considered a pedestrian that leaves itself wide open."

"Telling yourself over and over again about what you did wrong isn't going to help you." Trunks said telepathically.

I was kinda weirded out for a moment that he was in my mind, but there's no time for this!

And he was right. I needed to control my ki.

I closed my eyes and started to focus on how to fly.

I opened my eyes to immediately to catch Goku's punch.

"Hmm not bad, I think that's enough training for today." Goku said.

I nodded at Goku and asked Gohan to teach me how to fly.

It was taking hours, Gohan taught me everything and focusing on my ki...until I finally was able to to do it! [Life accomplishments]

"Yes! I'm ready to train again!" I said. "Nice job Y/n! Do you, um, mind if you train with me for a, uh, little while?" "Sure!"

He smiled for a millisecond and got out his sword,"Tapion's sword. I received it when I was young. It'll only be a fair match if you have one yourself, dontcha think?"

"What?" I said in confusion. "Here," He tossed me another sword that was about the same size as his own.

"This is amazing!" I said as I swung it around and scanned every inch of it. Once we practiced with it for a while, I got into my fighting stance.

He was quite fast with his sword. I kept blocking and swinging my sword from his.

My sword came very close to his face and thats when he teleported on the right of me faster than I could see.

Good thing I moved in my reflex to the left because he cut my right cheek.

It wasn't that deep of a cut, but it was enough to draw out blood.

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