Chapter 2

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I woke up with blood on the ground and much debris.

My house was completely destroyed and so was the whole neighborhood.

I didn't even think about going to check if my family was alive or not. I wouldn't care if they were rotting in hell as I speak.

I stood up a wiped most of the debris off my torn clothes. After my vision clear up a bit, I saw large beams and a group of people people....flying?

Beams shot everywhere so I started running in the forest so I wouldn't get hit. "Hey look out!" Someone pushed me to the ground and another beam just barely missed me.

There's no doubt I would've died right there if this person didn't push me out of the way. He got off me and helped me up,"Uh, m-my name is Trunks! Don't fear, I know a safe place somewhere!"

I looked up from where the beam shot and I saw a man who had an evil grin on his face.

He actually kinda looked like me, black hair and eyes with hair shoulder length like mine.

I accidentally made too much eye contact with the man and he rushed towards me and Trunks.

But then he stopped. An African American looking man with a scar for an eye put his hand on the other guy's shoulder."We have much more training to do. Let's go Broly."

They both flew off and all was silent.

Trunks had a lot of blood on him and his bandana.

I looked over at Trunks, "Are you alright?" He gave me a worried look and then he passed out.

I caught him in my arms and tore off a piece of my sleeve and wiped off the blood from his mouth.

I stroked his face while he was still passed out. I walked forward with Trunks still in my arms. I looked for a hospital or some sort of aid, but it was all destroyed.

"Someone! I need assistance!" I tried screaming over and over again.

Eventually, I found a place. "Capsule Corp..." A woman with blue hair bursted through the door and took Trunks out of my hands immediately.

I followed her,"What are you doing?" I asked patiently. "I thought I saw something bad happen, oh, this is my son. I'm his mother, Bulma. Thank you for taking him back here...." She stated.

"I'm Y/n. And is he going to be alright? Is he already dead? Did I get here too late?" She looked like she was holding her laugh in,"Oh, it is very interesting how much you already like him." She winked at me.

"Wait what? No...I'm just..." I blushed a little and stuttered a bit at this.

"Oh don't denie it y/n" Bulma smiled. I quickly turned away from
Bulma's smirk and took Trunks to his bed room and laid him on his bed.

I put a light blanket on him and was about to leave the room when Trunks said, "Thanks."

I stopped and turned around,"Were you conscious this whole time?"

"Some of the time...mabye all of it..."

I playfully punched him and left the room afterwards.

I was about to leave Capsule Corp but Bulma stopped me,"Do you have a place to stay?"

I replied to Bulma, "Well, I got the great outdoors."

"No." Bulma strictly said," I'm not letting you sleep outside. Stay with us, I have more than enough room. It's the least I can do for you helping me and my son."

Bulma showed me my room and I thanked her before I went into a deep sleep.

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