Chapter 5

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When my vision cleared up, Trunks looked like he was just in a fight. He had blood and cuts all over him.

"Trunks! What happen-"

Before I could finish my sentence I heard a loud noise.

"Hurry and go back to Capsule Corp!" Trunks said shooting a couple ki blasts in the air.

I saw that Goten and Gohan were on the ground, Piccolo was taking care of them both to see if they're alright.

I looked where Trunks was shooting at.

"That monster's name," Trunks said as he pointed at the man in the sky,"His name is Broly, and his father, Paragus. They're both malicious saiyans."

Goku was the main one fighting him but he was about almost out of energy.

Then something caught Broly's eye. Paragus was going in his spaceship thing but Broly teleported to him and smiled evily at him.

"What do you think you're doing, Paragus?"

"W-well, I just...I was going-"

Then Broly took the spaceship and crushed it with one hand with his father inside of the ship.

That's just cold hearted right there. He probably didn't even have a heart.

Then Broly teleported back to Goku and punched him into many buildings.

Piccolo, Gohan, and Goten have already given Goku all of their energy but Vegeta didn't do much but say that we're all gonna die.

This made Piccolo, Gohan, and Goten blackout for the rest of the fight.

"Should we fuse y/n? I'll teach you." Trunks said.

"Sure, Gohan taught me how to do the fusion dance so let's do this." I replied.

We both said at the same time,"fu...sion-"

Then Broly cut us off with a huge ki blast. Broly started to fight Trunks and disappeared in thin air.

"Where did he go? SHOW YOURSELF!" Trunks shouted. "I can't sense his ki...damn it.."

Then that's when I saw a giant blast come out of nowhere and faster then I expected, I pushed Trunks out of the way and we both said,"FINAL FLASH!" Before the beam got to us.

Both of our beams struck Broly's and I wasn't going to let this monster destroy us.

Goku joined us and used the Kamehameha wave, and Broly's beam immediately disappeared.

Broly had disappeared again and punched both Trunks and Goku in the faces all the way to the ground and made a small crater.

"TRUNKS!" I was still in the air and flew towards Trunks to see in he was okay.

But as soon as I turned around Broly had punched my back. I felt like I was paralyzed and couldn't move.

"I...I cant....move..." I stuttered.

I saw myself going down in the air. Broly then kneed my gut and coughed out a little blood.

Trunks and Goku got back up weakly but Broly only just shot a couple blasts before they passed out.


I closed my eyes and saw all the memories me and Trunks had together. "No....I can't die..."

Broly looked at me as a crashed on the ground.

As I kept thinking about Trunks my confidence grew stronger.

I got up and looked at Broly with anger and hatred.

"BROLY! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" I was clenching my hands together extremely tight.

I looked at my hair but then looked back at Broly. "YOU WILL DIE TODAY!" And I promised Broly that.

I put all of my energy into this last attack at Broly and Goku apparently got some energy from Vegeta and punched Broly in the gut while Broly was getting dominated by my beam.

Broly literally exploded and he was left in millions of pieces.

But the explosion immediately threw me back into a building and I dropped on the ground once again.

I blacked out holding onto Trunks' hand.

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