Chapter 6

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Where was Trunks? I regained consciousness and immediately opened my eyes and saw him holding me with my head on his lap.

Apparently he was stroking my hair while I was out because his hand was in my hair.

He smiled down at me and kissed me on my forehead.

After I blushed like crazy, I got up but went back down. Damn why am I so weak? I couldn't feel anything except pain running everywhere.

The pain was so intense, my tears were threatening to fall but I held back.

Trunks put his arm on my back and then studied me and my wounds. "Here."

He put me in his arms and picked me up like it was nothing and took me over to an open field where Goku was Piccolo, Gohan, and Vegeta were there too.

"Our first trip is to go back to Capsule Corp so y/n, Trunks and Vegeta can rest up a bit. Then we can go back home, Gohan and Goten." Goku said with a smile.

We all held onto Goku so we could instant transmission with him.

When we got to Capsule Corp, the sky was darker than it should've been and saw the great dragon, Shenron.

Bulma looked at us all. "Oh, hey guys, I thought you were all dead so I was about to wish you all back to life. But now since you're all here any of you can make one."

"I have one," Trunks stated. "I wish Y/n knew whom her real family is." I stared at Trunks like he was insane. Why would he waste a perfectly good wish?!!

A moment passed by,"You're wish has been granted."

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