Leo Valdez x reader

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Your Pov

I was just sitting on a bench. Minding my own business. I was reading a book, when suddenly:

"Oh Y,N!" A familiar voice called. "Someone has something to say to you~"

I turned around to see Piper pushing a certain Latino boy towards me. "Stop being such a chicken!"

"But what if chickens are cool!" He said. "They're delicious and fluffy!"

"Leo!" Piper stopped. "Y,N, Leo has something to say to you." She crosses her arms and waited.

Leo took a deep breath. "Do you like PB or J? I can't tell which ones better."


"What? It's a legitimate question."

I watched as they went back and forth. My confused level was rising with every word. (IT'S OVER 9000!

"Just ask her."

Leo sighed. "Do you wanna go out with me?"

I tilted my head. I've liked this boy since...well, forever and now he's actually asking me out.

Piper had a face of worry and excitement at the same time.

I waited a little longer. "Yes..."

Piper's face lit up and she started having a fangirl seizure. "Oh my gods! I have to tell people. I have to tell people!"

She ran off, leaving me and Leo alone in an area of awkwardness.

He walked around the bench and sat down next to me. "So what'cha reading?"

I looked at the cover and back at the page I was on. "Oh, it's called-"

"I don't care." He cut me off and pressed his lips to mine.

Our lips moved in sync perfectly. I had never kissed anyone before, but I knew that this had to be considered good.

He pulled away and smiled. "I'm already in love with you."

I smiled back. "As am I"

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