Chapter 2 - Smiling

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Luhan was seated beside his precious butler at the spring town meeting almost half a year after the two had first met.
The town council members were discussing the usual, uninteresting stuff such as how to best educate the newest apprentices in their respective branches and how to pair men and women of higher and lower ranks to lift the standard facial- and body features of the town's residents.

Luhan noticed a movement from the corner of his right eye, and turned his head. The sight gave him a slight shock, but he managed only to let out a small gasp.

Sehun was smiling.

Luhan was taken aback by the sight and stared in awe as Sehun's lips formed a tiny, but nevertheless existent, upwards curve.
He continued to lose himself in the perfect shape, suddenly noticing that his breathing had increased in speed just a little.

Why am I losing my breath? I haven't done anything physical since this meeting started, Luhan thought to himself. He did not understand his body these days.
In the morning too, when Sehun woke him up by calling his name, he smiled unconsciously, and his heart beat speed increased without warning.

Sehun turned his head and stared at Luhan, locking the older's two eyes with his own deep black ones.
His gently brushed back blonde hair wavered a little, but Luhan did not avert his sapphire colored eyes.

No, he kept losing himself in his servant's gaze, sinking deeper and deeper into the warm darkness.
His pulse speeded up, and his whole body became hot.
He felt scared. What was happening all of a sudden?


After the meeting, Luhan decided that he and Sehun would go for a walk in the park, and so, they did.
Sehun walked beside him as they spoke about pointless things that only mattered when it was the two of them talking about it.
Sehun laughed once, and it made Luhan feel as if he could faint right there and then. Why? He didn't know. He was confused about so many things at the time, but he was also happier than he'd ever been before.





What is it?



Come back... Me.. Wh.. Wrong.. You?

I don't understand... Come back where?

Luhan frowned slightly, which made the male who was holding him slide his head closer to Luhan's delicate face.
"Luhan! What happened, are you okay? Come back to me. What is wrong with you, Luhan?!" Sehun said loudly.

Then, Luhan suddenly opened his blue eyes and found himself staring right into the other boy's jet black ones. His cheeks felt warm, his heart beated fast, and his breathing became rapid.
"S-Sehun! What happened? Why am I lying down, " he asked.
"I don't know! You just fainted right after laughing and I didn't know what to do so I brought you here. " Sehun explained, pointing to the park bench they were sitting on.

And with time, Luhan would more and more often feel physically ill or even faint when Sehun did certain things like laughing, hugging him or singing into his ear to wake him up in the morning.
Soon, his parents became worried about their son, and Tao became worried about his beloved older brother.


A/N: Yes I know, but I tend to drag stories out a lot so I'm really sorry~ I promise something will happen soon!

Ideas? Just message me, also I have a BTS positive-messages-book out, can you check it out maybe? Pls lol

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