Chapter one take two so um enjoy

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I hummed, enjoying the vibrations in my throat. I made my way to my first class of the day. I sat down and introduced myself to the teacher. Her name was Mrs. Lira, and she seemed alright. I took one of the only open seats, giving a few high fives as they went. I was one of the school's old JV basketball players. Yet the school year was fresh today. Today I was nothing. The teacher began class, blabbing on and on about our first day as freshmen, blabidy blah freakin blah, and then my eyes got set on fire.  

A kid blazed into class, panting. He had golden blonde hair, very short, but long enough to be wavy. He had sparkling blue eyes and had a jawline any dude would kill for. His eyes made me want to dunk myself in their blue depths. And god, oh GOD was he jacked. He had the muscles of a professional bodybuilder- the kind that made girls dizzy and the kind that made guys absolutely putrid with envy. His arms were like large, bulging tree trunks, filled with muscles that were overflowing out of his tank top. He work a black muscle wife beater that had the name of a kickboxing studio in red across the front, black cargo shorts, and black basketball sneakers. His perfect, fair skinned face blemished by a dark bruise on his cheek and his right eye. My insides were on fire, my fists clenched as I stared at him. I wanted him. Fuck, I wanted him like I'd never wanted anyone before. But I couldn't have him. I had to avoid guys like that like the plague. Hot guys like that were trouble- either way too straight or complete jackasses.  

"You must be Mr. O'Sullivan. What do you have to say for yourself? You're almost 27 minutes late on the first day!" She cried, throwing her hands up in the air. He gulped. Then the new guy opened his mouth and everything just shattered around me. 

"S-s-s-so-so-so," He took a deep breath, his hands trembling violently from his efforts. He could barely form the words, let alone complete them. I felt so awful. What was wrong with him? 

"Mrs. Lira, he's gonna have a seizure," a girl named Hannah joked, making the whole class laugh. "Put him out of his misery already." The whole class laughed once more and his cheeks lit with shame. He hung his head and tears of frustration filled his eyes. What the Hell was wrong with that bitch? Why was everyone laughing? How old were we, honestly, picking on the troubled kid for fun? Pitiful, absolutely pitiful. 

"Oh, I didn't know you were a handicap student, sweetie. You can sit in the seat next to Mr. Warner. Raise your hand for him, Aaron," Mrs. Lira crooned. I raised my hand, my heartbeat racing. As I watched him cross the room, his head hung with shame, I winced. How often had others judged me without even knowing me, and how much had I hated it? And here I was, doing the same to him. I was despicable. Maybe I could get to know him. Maybe we could be friends.  

He trudged to his seat and slumped down, placing his head in his hands. People whispered and pointed. They laughed beneath their breath like he was Frankenstein, not a human being. 'You okay?' I scribbled down, sliding it onto his desk and tapping his shoulder. I didn't care who saw. He took the note and crumpled it, shoving it into his bag. How rude! I tore off another paper and tried again, shoving it on his desk and shaking his shoulder. He glared at me with watery eyes, some tears spilling over, making my heart spasm. He quickly wiped them away, trying to act macho. He opened the note and his eyes widened, his mouth opening and closing several times. He looked up at me, his eyes completely confused. The teacher came over and stood in front of the kid's desk, holding his note. I looked up a little late, and realized everyone was staring at me expectantly, teacher included. 

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I asked, eying her lips. 

"I read your little note aloud. Detention, Mr. O'Sullivan," Mrs. Lira clipped before spinning around and walking away. What the Hell? I'd passed the note. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to dwell on this. As she walked, I could tell she kept talking while she walked by the way her hands moves. I looked around, panicked, praying someone was taking notes- anyone. 

"What's she saying?" I asked, latching onto the kid's arm. He looked down at my arm, then up at me in shock. The teacher was facing the board now, but she didn't write anything, she was just waving a marker around. My heartbeat started racing and he said something, but I began freaking out, latching on tighter to his arm. Sweat laced across my palms and the air seemed like it just wouldn't go through to my lungs. The kid looked around my head, at both my ears, before he moved my hand off of his arm. I slumped down in my chair, defeated. I felt like crying. Why was I such an idiot? I had to be so stupid, always so stupid, making the same mistakes. I felt a tug on my elbow and I saw the kid staring at me intently.  

Then, his hands began to move. 

Fluidly, like he'd spoken it for years, he began signing ASL (American Sign Language) for me. He didn't bother asking me if I knew what he was saying or if I understood his interpretation, as I began taking notes, keeping my eyes on his hands as he translated for me. I was so relieved I couldn't do anything but breathe. He even translated what the teacher was saying when she started yelling at some kid, and what he replied to her- wait, she was yelling at him! 

"What are you doing with your hands? Is that some kind of joke?" She screeched. How come she couldn't see that that was sign language? Was she blind, or just dumb? 

"N-n-no," he stuttered. I choked on my own breath. Shit! He was going to expose my secret to everyone. I dug my nails into my palms, waiting for him to oust me. Weirdly enough, his lips never moved. 

"Double detention. Don't do it again," she snarled. She turned around and I slumped in my seat, both relieved and aggravated. If he got detention, how would I take notes? I'd abandoned my translator in middle school. I didn't want to be embarrassed like that again. Yet when Mrs. Lira turned, he picked up signing like he'd never stopped, keeping his hands in his lap this time. What the? I hastily continued writing notes, wondering if he was stupid or just overly kind. I spent the rest of class trying not to get distracted by the way his hands moved.

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