Chapter five

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When my eyes reopened, I saw a nurse fixing an IV and Day was talking to her, gesturing with his free hand, laughing. Confused, I looked down, seeing that our hands were entwined on top of Day's chest. Then everything clicked in my head. 

"DAY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, launching myself at him and tackling him in a bear hug. I pulled back, seeing the light in his eyes, and my heart tugged. Damn, this kid owned my heart and he didn't even realize it. 

"H-h-hey Ari," he stuttered, smiling warmly at me. I felt tears of joy spilling down my face and he wiped them away. 

"D-d-d-don't c-cr-cr-cry," Day told me. I laughed shakily and hugged him again. Perfection. That's what being in his arms felt like.  

"I'm crying cause I'm happy. I missed you so much," I cried, caressing his scarred cheek. 

"D-d-don't tou-to-to-touch. I d-don't look s-s-s-s-so h-hot," Day frowned. 

"Day, I abandoned you. I left you there and it's my fault that you're like this..." My voice trailed off. My hands shook violently, my world tilting drastically. I was disgusting, revolting, nothing less than scum. 

"I wasn't lying when I said I wouldn't forgive you. You did exactly what I needed you to do. You were there for me in the best way- you kept yourself safe. That's the best thing you could've done for me. It took courage to do what you did." He signed before caressing my cheeks. I leaned over and kissed his cheek right on top of his cut. His eyes flickered to my lips and he leaned in, his breath warm against my mouth. Then he looked towards the door, gasped and pulled the sheet up to cover his face. I saw my mother and Milo entering the room. 

"Day, we heard what happened and we- Aaron? What are you doing here?" Milo asked. Milo!? How the Hell did he know my Day!? My mom AND my dad were here too! Milo tugged on the sheet but Day wouldn't let go. My parents shared a look behind Milo's back. 

"Why can't I see?" He asked. Of course, since his face was covered, he couldn't answer. 

"Day!" Milo yelled, stomping his foot like he was in second grade rather than eighth grade. Day kept the sheet tightly over his face, despite the fact that I was sitting on his torso. Milo finally got the sheet down and he and my parents gasped simultaneously when they saw how Day looked. I scooted over so that I was sitting beside Day rather than on top of him.  

"I didn't want you all to see me like this. I love and respect you guys so much, and Milo, you're like the little brother I never had..." Day signed, trailed off.  

"What happened?" My Mami gasped, her hand over her heart. 

"This kid was threatening to beat up Aaron because he was gay, so I gave him my car and I... I don't know. I just acted as a distraction, I guess. I'm really sorry," Day signed, taking a shuddering breath and wiping the tears from his face. 

"Sorry? SORRY!? That's what you have to say to me!?" My mom yelled. I winced at the sight, grateful I couldn't hear. Day nodded weakly, looking down. My mother walked over, lifting his chin so he would look up at her. 

"Boy, I have known you for years. You take the equivalent of a bullet- no, worse than that for my son and you're apologizing? Gods sakes, Day, you're my hero. I can't tell you how thankful I am." My mom signed. She started crying, hugging Day tightly.  

"Son, you are a damn hero. If you need anything, EVER, you tell me, okay?" My dad said. Tears shone in his eyes, and he patted Day gently on one bruised shoulder. 

"Ma, dad, Milo, how do you guys know Day?" I asked, my brow furrowing. 

"He's been tutoring Milo for free for years. He's the reason Milo's been getting honors," my ma explained. My jaw dropped. No way!! He was the mystery tutor!? "How do you know him?" 

"In freshman year, I abandoned my translator," I admitted quietly. 

"You WHAT!?" My mom shrieked. 

"Aaron!" My dad cried out. 

"It was embarrassing and I thought I could handle it!" I whined. "We got to my first class and I freaked out. I couldn't understand the teacher and Day was sitting next to me. I asked him what the teacher was saying, and he looked down and began signing. He's been translating for me ever since, but I never got the courage to talk to him until this year." My mom began screaming about how rude that was in Spanish. 

"Yo sabe Mami! Yo sabe!" I yelled. I looked over at Day, embarassed, but he wasn't looking at me. He was staring at Milo. Milo was staring at Day, tears pooling in his wide eyes, his lower lip trembling. 

"Can Milo and I have a minute alone?" Day asked. My mother and father nodded and went to stand outside. I kissed his hand and went to stand just outside the door, in listening distance. 

"Who would do this to you? Why would they-" Milo broke off to start sobbing. 

"Come here," Day signed, holding out his arms. He hugged Milo for a long time. My mother tapped me, redirecting my attention. 

"Had you two had sex?" My mom asked aloud, so my father could follow along. 

"MAMI! I met him last week!" I cried disbelievingly. My dad looked like he was on the verge of explosive laughter. My parents knew about my gayness, but Milo didn't. As of today, only three people knew: Day, Mami and daddy.  

"No glove no love!" My dad said before laughing so hard he doubled over.  

"Yeah, you don't want to get pregnant!" My mom said, causing my dad to laugh even harder. The two of them rioted together. 

"Idiots!" I cried out, pulling at my hair in frustration. Milo walked out of Day's room and hugged me, surprising me.  

"I love you." He signed in front of my face while hugging me.  

"I love you too." I replied, wondering what Day had told him. When Milo pulled away to hug my mom I re-entered Day's room, shutting the door behind me. He held out his arms and I climbed into the bed, laying beside him, letting my head rest on his chest. 

"Doesn't this hurt?" I asked out loud. He shook his head. 

"I never said thank you. For doing this for me, for tutoring my brother, for being my makeshift've done so much for me and I haven't done squat for you," I frowned. 

"You g-gave me s-s-some o-n-ne to talk t-t-to. I s-should thank y-you," he said. Whoa, he was barely stuttering!  

"Ari, your brother says you haven't eaten anything for over a day. Eat something," Day signed, pointing towards the backpack I'd brought. Unfortunately, all it had was my phone, a water bottle, Day's keys and a sweatshirt in it. 

"No food," I sighed.  

"I t-told you to b-buy some." Day grumbled, glaring at me reverently. I blushed, looking away from his scrutinizing glare. 

"I couldn't even think about eating. I brought an ice pack for you to school. I didn't realize it was so bad...the guidance counselor came to our class and told us you were in the hospital. I literally just ran out of class when she said your name and came straight here." I explained, tracing the perimeter of the cut on his chest.  

"Visiting hours are over," a nurse chimed. My parents came inside to pull me away from Day and my insides shattered.

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