Chapter nanananine

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I flicked through the channels in my family room, seeing nothing that interested me. Devious Maids, a show about slutty house maids? Sorry, wrong audience, I rolled my eyes, flipping to my recordings. Oooh Dance Moms! There was a show I could invest my time in. Milo walked into the room and I glared at him. I was already in a sulky mood and I didn't care for him too much lately. 

"I said I was sorry, okay!?" He yelped, squirming under the intensity of my glare. Yeah, bitch, I got the powa! 

"You mean you TRIED. He wasn't home, remember?" I snapped. We'd gone to Day's house, only to meet Maria for the first time. 

"Day's on a road trip. He needs to blow off some steam." She had said, eying us testily.  

"We are his friends. Can you please tell him we stopped by?" I'd asked politely. 

"Day doesn't have friends! Are you the kids who cut up his face because I swear-" 

"No! No! I'm the kid he stuck up for!" I'd choked out. 

"That's even WORSE!" She roared, slamming the door shut. 

I sighed at the memory, watching my least favorite dance mom, Christie, blabbing about Maddie, the best damn dancer on the show. DEAL WITH IT HUNNY, YOUR DAUGHTER IS A SHIT DANCER! Okay, that was harsh, but I was in a bad mood. I was suffering from Day withdrawals. I hadn't seen him in three days and four nights, to be exact. His bag and his clothes were still at my house. I slept in his kickboxing shirt at night, in hopes I'd have dreams of him. No such luck. 

"It's not my fault he went away! Grow up, Stiles!" Milo said. Oh, great, now I was Stiles. He flipped back and forth when he was angry. David walked into the room, snapping a picture. He was a deaf friend of Milo's. Snapping pictures when he entered a room was his trademark, one he even upheld in school. He had started doing it to alert other deaf people of his presence but now had many interesting pictures as a result, so he continued it. Milo gripped David's hand and harshly tugged him upstairs. I didn't have to be a hearing kid to now he probably slammed his door. I sighed, taking Day's Breaking Dawn book from his bag. I tucked a pillow in my lap and reread the book, smoothing my fingers over the first page. He'd absently done drawings in it, drawings of Edward Cullen, Bella, even Jasper, who was clearly his favorite.  

When I finished rereading, I gasped in shock. The last page in the book had doodles of an extremely familiar person. My MOM! 

Oh my god I'm totally kidding! Got you, didn't I? I can't finish Breaking Dawn in ten minutes! I'm still on the first chapter! For all I know, there are nudes on the last page. You idiots. I guess we'll just have to see when I finish.  

"How many times do I have to tell you to turn off the TV when you're not watching it?" My mom asked. I looked over at the TV, watching her switch it off.  

"You miss him, don't you?" She asked. Ah, damn her mother's intuition.  

"Of course I do," I snapped, hugging his book to my chest. Plus, I'm still wearing his shorts. What!? They smell like Old Spice! And they're totes comfortable. 

"Good, because he's here," she said.  

"What!?" I shrieked. I jumped out of my chair, watching Day walk in with his hands in his pockets. 

"Hi," he said shyly. I had the urge to jump him but my mother was still in the room, and I didn't want her to get any ideas. I gave her a pointed glance.  

"Alright, I'm leaving," mom grumbled, looking disappointed that she wouldn't get to see our reunion. She touched both of our arms as she left. The second she was out I pounced on him, leaping into his arms and hugging the life out of him. He lifted me up in a tight hug, my feet lifting off the ground. DAYYY! I screamed in my head, feeling his familiar Old Spice smell. It was a thousand times better in the flesh. When we pulled away, I got a look at him. He hadn't shaved, so he had a scruffy honey colored five o'clock shadow. It made him look so manly, so much older than he was. I kind of hated him for it, since I still didn't have to shave. Stupid hairless body! His hair was messy and he wore a t-shirt and sweats, per usual. 

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