Chapter 12

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I couldn't be sure how many hours had passed since I'd ran after Day into the forest. Day, my Day, was stuck somewhere amongst the trees, waiting for me... Violent shivers wracked my body and the wind seemed to cut straight through my bones. My clothes were plastered to my body and I was stumbling like a drunk man. My foot caught on something and then I was flying forwards, my hand falling on something sharp. I screamed as something pierced the skin. When I looked down, I lost my breakfast. Pierced all the way through my hand was a wide butcher knife. Several inches of the knife protruded from either side of my hand. A thick liquid seeped down my face and when I reached up to wipe it off the knife caught my lower eyelid and sliced it, along with my upper cheek.

The wind was so loud it swallowed up my scream and I rose on shaking legs, barely keeping myself afloat. Do it for day, I chanted mercilessly to myself. Then there was a face close to mine, grimy but devastatingly handsome. Despite the raging storm I could understand every word the stranger said with perfect clarity.

"Soon you will die." With this, he shoved me against a tree. My vision blurred and then I was sinking, my only thoughts of Day...

I woke up to silence. I saw three people staring at me intently, but I couldn't remember who or what they were. Then my eyes fell on the golden blonde one as he was receiving a slap...from the man I recognized as my father.

"DAY!" I let out a scream, feeling my voice crack in my throat. Day's incandescent blues met mine for a fleeting second and he shot forwards to greet me, only to be shoved out of the way by my parents. Hastily I hugged them quickly, keeping my eyes trained on Day, inspecting him for injury. I held out my arms for him and he knelt by the bed, hugging me close to him. His familiar scent engulfed me and I felt tears of relief spring to my eyes. The warmth his large, hulking figure provided could only be described as home.

"What happened to you? Who was that man? My hand..." I signed, looking down as I remembered the knife. Only there was no knife there, only gauze wrapped around my palm.

"I saw you running after me so I stopped but I must've hit a tree or something because I fainted. When I woke up I went looking for you and found you collapsed against a tree with a cut on our cheek and a cut on your hand. Your lips were bruised..." Day trailed off, his hands dropping onto the bed.

"I need to tell you something," Day began. I nodded eagerly. He stared down at the comforter, seemingly gathering his courage.

"Ari, I-" Then someone was dragging him away by his arms.

"Dad! Stop! What are you doing!?" I screeched.

"He had his chance to apologize. Now he's got to leave." My dad said firmly. I gasped, standing on wobbling legs.

"Wait! What do you mean!? It's pouring outside!" I choked out.

"He nearly got you killed, Aaron. You're not allowed to see him anymore. We had a deal, O'Sullivan, now hold up your end," my father snarled.

"You're my universe, don't ever think differently," Day signed before my father dragged him away. A cry escaped my lips and then I was running. I had barely any energy, my body was extremely sore and my heart hurt, but I understood what I had to do. As Day brought his car to life I sprinted out past my father and shot into the passenger seat.

"Go!" I screamed.


"No! I almost lost you once, Day, and I'm not going to have any regrets this time! Take me with you!" I pleaded. Day took one look at my father's advancing figure, and then a look at my pleading eyes. Then, despite everything, a grin cracked across his face.

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