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I looked at Amias who was just standing there, just looking. 

"So why are you here again?" He sipped his slurpee and started explaining himself.

"Vacation, me and a couple of friends wanted to take a mini vacation. You know how it is. What about you, what brings you here?" Now we were walking besides each other with his arm around my shoulders.

"Vacation too, needed a different scenery for a little bit." He nodded his head confirming that he heard me.

"Well since we're here together, we might as well hang out sometime. You down?"

"Not really, I'm actually trying to get settled in for the first few days. Maybe another time?" He scrunched his lips up.

"C'mon Sade, you never heard the saying 'time waits for no man'." He asked still stuck on trying to get me to come out.

"Yes, Amias. I have actually." He stopped walking.

"Alright, I'mma call you up and see. There's this chill lil' bar thing on the beach, but further down though."

"Yeah cool, I'll get back with you. I actually have to go back so I'll see you." After that I walked away because I was pretty sure he was going to try to start another conversation and right now I just wanted to go and lay down.

As expected, he stood there and later walked away; but to no avail people still had their eyes on my face. It was getting utterly annoying.

There was a girl walking past me but I couldn't see her face because she had her head down, I gently grabbed her shoulder and she just dropped to the ground with her hands up.

I wish you could imagine the look on my face, when she dropped down I wanted to drop with her. Like what's going on?

"Please nuh hurt mi!" She screamed out, I looked behind me and everyone was looking with their mouth wide open.

"Woah woah wait!" I looked at the fry-boat that I had in my hand and balanced to get low with her, she was looking around frantically.

"Mi neva duh nothing wrong." She continued.

"I know, I know. I only want to ask you a question. That's it." It was disturbing to see how afraid she was and how shocked everyone else is, my father was the first cause of this situation that popped into my head.

"Okay waah it?" She asked standing up, still a little weary with me by keeping her distance. She looked like she was around my age, she had nice medium length natural hair.

"Why is everyone just looking at me? They've been staring at me since I've got here." She looked at me like I was completely stupid.

"Yuh fada Joseph right?" I nodded my head, confirming that it was true as to what she said.

"An yuh neva hear wah him did?" I felt my stomach drop, like I just knew he fucked something up here.

"What exactly did he do?" 

"Di massacre a few towns ova, dat did him." I felt my stomach hit the ground.

"Are you serious?" 

"Why wud mi lie bout that? Makes no sense." She picked her things up.

"Sade! C'mon on man." I turned to see Devin walking down the street, once he got to me he grabbed his stuff and cut his eyes at me, then he started to look around.

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