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I opened my eyes to a light flashing between my eyes. 

"Welcome back Ms. Epiphany, before you become puzzled I want to feel you in on your condition. You and the baby are perfectly fine, the blood was just a heavy show. Most women have a show but it's pretty light, it happens when one is going through labor -- but basically to sum it all up, you are alright and your baby is as well." She paused and looked around the room.

"Your mother informed me that the drive to the hospital took around forty-five minutes, which did do some justice because you have dilated further with time. But you're not there yet to begin giving birth as of yet. I would predict at least one hour." I was really just trying to process that everything was fine and okay with me and the baby, and I was so thankful for this.

"Thank you so much ma'am." She replied back with a 'no problem' and left the hospital room.

I looked around the room to see Amir, his friend, the security guard, and my mother.

"I'm glad that you and the baby are okay." Amir said.

"Me too 'Mir."


I've been relaxing, cooling it for the most part. When I say relaxing that usually means staying in bed all day with a heavy conscious; which is thinking basically. I've thought about how having Joseph, my father, back in my life now made absolutely no sense to be honest. Why? Because I'm basically an adult now; I've grown and failed more than anything -- I've passed the era in my life where I need a parent for reassurance or guidance, it's dead. 

"Sade, I got some people coming over for a lil' kickback. We gone be in the pool and out back, you trying to be socially active today or nah?" I pushed the party size Doritos bag off of my lap and turned to the side.

"Should I wear a swimsuit?"

"I mean, if you want to? Do you want to?" I lifted up my shirt.

"I don't know, should I?" He smacked his face.

"Just put on a damn bathing suit. They'll be over here in thirty minutes, so 'imma need you to make it snappy baby girl." I nodded and got up to just throw something on.

I found a black bathing suit, along with a muscle shirt and some shorts to wear when I'm not in the pool. I put that on and put my hair in a really messy ponytail, there was literally no effort in it whatsoever.

Once I got downstairs I seen Devin walking through the door with some bags of snacks and drinks. He had like five bags in one hand, three in the other and one hanging over his shoulder like a purse.

"Really Devin?" I asked sitting on the counter. He placed them down and looked at me like I was stupid.

"'Really Devin' face ass. Real niggas don't take two trips to the car to get the bags." 

"I hear ya'. So who's coming?"

"Just a few people, my dawgs and some female friends. I think you'll like them, especially one of them 'cause y'all kinda act alike." We'll see.

"Have you talked to yo' dude recently?" 

"No, I uh haven't got around to it yet. Why?" He looked like he wanted to say something more.

"Nothin', just wanted to see what was goin' on with y'all." Sure Devin, I would've dug more into it but the doorbell had rung.

We both walked to the front door, there were three dudes in the front and three girls in the back; I remembered one of the girls from one time when I was walking from 7-Eleven, the one that Devin likes I'm assuming. 

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